
Baha’ism, a new fascism A word from ex-Baha’i scholar Francesco Ficicchia from Switzerland

Born in 1946 in Switzerland, he is a German scholar. He became the member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Switzerland in 1970s. In 1974, he left ...
John Ricardo

John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole; American scholar and historian separated from Baha’ism

“John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole (born on 23rd of October 1952) is an American scholar, public intellectual, and historian of the modern Middle East and South Asia. He is Richard P. Mitchell ...

The Excellency Abdul Hamid, it is up to you what to do now. The ball is in your court now

The current sedition was a testing scene for some people who weren’t few. So, some people became the means for instigators such as Europe, the Zionistic regime and America. Unfortunately, ...
Abul Fadhl Ansari

Abul Fadhl Ansari (the last part)

The UHJ condolence on the occasion of the Baha’i scholar’s death  Abul Fadhl Ansari, an apostate who wasn’t executed despite of his anti-Islamic and anti-Revolution proselytizing. Contrary to the Baha’i ...

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s view at scholar and the ignorant person

Believing in resurrection and the day of judgment is one of the primary principles of the religion of Islam and all heavenly and divine religions which means becoming alive again ...
Francesco Ficicchia

Former-Baha’i scholar Francesco Ficicchia

Born in 1946 in Switzerland, he is a German scholar. He became the member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Switzerland in 1970s. In 1974, he left ...