
New Era High School, a Baha’i school with low moral standards

Yet another Baha'i scandal from the small town of Panchgani, has left the academic world in Satara district in shock. While there have been previous instances at Panchgani, where members ...

“Baha’ism anger with Imam Hussein’s (p.H.) school

Erfan Sabeti, the spokesman and theorist of Baha'ism and the member of the editorial board of Aasoo, published several materials on 17th of Shahrivar insulting the martyrs. He confessed Imam ...

The Baha’ism enmity against Shia school, clergymen and the Islamic Revolution

 In his tablets and works, Hussein Ali Nouri (the founder of Baha’ism cult) has clearly and repeatedly attacked and insulted Shias. For example; in the book Ishraqat, he has called ...