
Abdul Baha, an example of serving the oppressive regimes

The universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as a good example for the people of the world. However; a glance at this Baha’i leader’s life reveals ...

A closer look at some of the individuals serving the UHJ shows that it is prone to corruption as any other organization

The Universal House of Justice is a position of "service" in the Baha'i Faith which women are excluded from. A closer look at some of the individuals serving on this ...
the Blessed Beauty

Using straight poniard in serving the Blessed Beauty

The Baha’i leaders have ordered their followers to be surrendered against the tyrants; but it is interesting to be noted that they were pride themselves on having servants and guards ...

A closer look at some of the individuals serving the UHJ shows that it is prone to corruption as any other organization

The Universal House of Justice is a position of "service" in the Baha'i Faith which women are excluded from. A closer look at some of the individuals serving on this ...