
Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah), the leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism: “All people of the world are misled except for the Baha’is.”

     According to the leader of the Baha'is not only Shias are called rejected and superstitious Shias, but also all non-Baha's are considered as misled although they possess nice deeds. ...

The Shia Iraq is coveted by the deviant cult of Bahaism

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha'ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the ...

Fighting against hope by the deviant cult of Baha ism

Thinkers are familiar with Francis Fukuyama, the researcher and historian from Japan and the and author of the book “the end of history”. He says in 1367 S. H. in ...

Baha’ism in Shia and Wahhabism in Sunni have followed the same aim

Studying and searching about the reports of the history of both creeds indicate that the purpose of establishing both us beating the main pillar and stronghold of campaigning and confronting ...

The Baha’ism enmity against Shia school, clergymen and the Islamic Revolution

 In his tablets and works, Hussein Ali Nouri (the founder of Baha’ism cult) has clearly and repeatedly attacked and insulted Shias. For example; in the book Ishraqat, he has called ...

When will Imam Mahdi (AJ) reappear?

When will Imam Mahdi (AJ) reappear?   From the perspective of Shia and Sunni Muslims, Imam Mahdi (AJ) will reappear in the end of the world and will fully spread ...

Why did I become Shia?

Pedram Nawaee is one of the Baha’i youth who become Shia being present in the office of Ayatollah Mojtahed Shabestari, the representative of the supreme leader of I.R.I in the ...