
The report of human rights organization stated by a Baha’i!

      Nazila Qane', the special reporter of human rights organization and the member the deviant cult of Bahaism defined religion, measures and deeds of the faithful and their reactions towards ...

The position of woman in the deviant cult of Baha’ism

One of the teachings of Baha’ism is the equality between men and women’s rights. In one side, the Baha’is are attacking Islam in which the equality between men and women’s ...

Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s exaggeration about the holy Imam’s (peace be upon them) position

We know Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee with his special view toward religious rudiments. Having false view and exaggerating in various issues, he caused Babism and Baha’ism to be emerged. This man ...

The destruction of illegal constructions of Roshankouh isn’t related to a special cult or tendency

During the recent days, the fulfillment of the verdict of destructing the illegal constructions in one of the northern regions of the country has reflected in foreign media too much. ...

The issue of the Baha’is of Iran in Ahmad Shahid’s new report

By deceiving or buying Ahmad Shahid, the Baha’ism organization is going to induce that merely believing in Baha’ism causes repression in some countries! However, it is figured out of the ...