Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

Assassination, The Zionism means for creating a Jewish government

      During the first centuries of the second millennium A.D., the theological Christianity was born with interpretations of the old Testament like Kabala, Mishna and Halakha and has influenced on ...

The equality between men and women the incorrect comparison

The Baha’i proselytizers introduce the women's depriving of the of the management of the universal house of justice as a test for the Baha'is and a cover for the non-Baha'is. ...

The dictatorial and oppressing regimes are using the deviant cult of Baha’ism to break the spirit of resistance of genuine fighters

After World War II the dictatorial and related regimes in various countries gained power. Liberalists also confronted them to get themselves free from these regimes. So, the prisons became full ...