
The most important Consequences of the victory of the Islamic Revolution over the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and forming a democratic system of government based the original teachings of Islam was the greatest hit on the deviant cult of ...

The Baha’ism reaction towards the terroristic event in Kerman city

     Following the terroristic event of Day 13, in Kerman city in which many of our compatriots were martyred and injured, the organization of the deviant cult of Baha'ism had ...

The Zoroastrian view towards the emergence of Babism and Baha’ism based on what Baha’ism wants

We asked the Baha’is: Each prophet has testified and promised the previous one. Which of the divine prophet has promised the emergence of your self-proclaimed prophet. They answered back: Each ...

Baha’ism view towards the new Christians’ year’s celebrations. The universal unity or the Baha’i independence?

Why haven’t the Baha’is commanded for the prohibition of holding Christmas celebrations if they have made the Baha’i leaders angry?! The religion makers who were going to follow the Baha’ism ...