بهائیت در ایران

The founders of Bahaism cult, the starters of unveiling in Iran

      For the first time; in Rabiul Awwal 1264 A.H./1227 S.H., 1848 A.D., a woman... called Zarrin Taj Qazvini entitled Qorratul Ein who was one of the disciples of Ali ...

Freemasonry, Bahaism and the hidden Jewish; the influence bases of Zionism in Iran

      The secret strategy of the Zionists in Iran is of the secrets of the contemporary history of Iran. In this regard, the confession of one the spies of the ...

The base for the cultural change-Schools The cultural programs of Bahaism

      During Pahlavi government, Bahaism could be influential in Cultural field particularly schools such as primary school and high school and separate the Iranian offspring from religion using secular trainings, ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in unveiling

The calamity of unveiling in Iran is an anti-culture event against Islam and Muslim people of Iran which was approved and conducted in Iran on Day 17, 1314 S.H. cooperated ...

The alignment of the women of the deviant Baha’ism cult with those who insulted the QuranThe alignment of the women of the deviant Baha’ism cult with those who insulted the Quran

According to Shabestan news agency, a Danish woman of Iranian origin desecrated a copy of the Holy Quran in Copenhagen, the capital city of this country, on Sunday. Firouzeh Bazarafkan ...

The role of the Baha’ism organization during the current oppositions

One of the movements which has treed during history of form and direct social thoughts of the Iranian people is the Baha’ism organization. During the current two centuries, there have ...

Why did the Excellency Imam Khomeini (P.H.) state that Mosaddeq wasn’t Muslim?

Dr. Muhammad Mosaddeq was supporting Reza Khan’s policies while Reza Khan unveiling women to make them irreligious. Although Mosaddeq owed his success to marty Nawwab Safawi, but when he gained ...