کد خبر:10154

When Baha’ism becomes a means and a base for the Colonialists in Iran

The following is one of SAVAK’s report net the Islamic Republic’s one: “SAVAK reports that the intelligent service of Israel is using the Baha’is to collect news from Iran. We have also possessed some documents reveling that they are attacked to Masonry lodge. The Baha’is never rejected this issue.” One of the activities which has […]

The following is one of SAVAK’s report net the Islamic Republic’s one: “SAVAK reports that the intelligent service of Israel is using the Baha’is to collect news from Iran. We have also possessed some documents reveling that they are attacked to Masonry lodge. The Baha’is never rejected this issue.”

One of the activities which has recently done by the Baha’i authors is repeating claims about the members who are oppressed and being tyrannized by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

For this reason, we interviewed with the Excellency Tabrizi (the researcher of contemporary history)

-The debates presented by the Baha’is today such as claiming for their individual and group right to be ignored, having political administrative and educational limitations are correct or not?

When we speak about a community or a social system, there are three principles: 1) The Constitution which poses the citizen rights, 2) Their position in community, 3) regulating security issues means preserving the national authority, national unity, interest and economy.

Supposed that we have a Muslim majority and Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian which have been accepted in the country Constitution as minorities. So, what is being depended is the Constitution whether it is constitutional or Islamic Revolution.


Thus, people who belong to minorities such three religions mentioned must be bound with implementing law and the community issues such as national unity and authority and mustn’t have any relationship with the nation enemies. It has been so up to this time; particularly it the majority of society who are Muslims don’t regulate national security, community unity and the national interests or are related to nation enemies, they must be punished. It won’t be different in punishment law and citizen rights.

We encounter the movements which don’t belong to minorities; for example Ahle-Haghgh and Dervishes which don’t belong to minorities, but no one has anything to do with them, as long as the person’s beliefs are in the framework of his/her house or heart.

Toudeh party (the communists) weren’t removed in the Islamic Republic of Iran. When they spied for the Soviet Union, its members were captured, sentenced, imprisoned and executed. Mojahedin Khalq wasn’t included in the Islamic Republic’s constitution. Nobody has anything to do with it. They were active even at universities. When they entered into the military phase, they would be encountered. Mojahedin organization was cooperating with the Iranian enemies such as Iraq which was fighting against Iran and America which was planning against Iran.

Baha’ism wasn’t recognized as a minority in our community. So, it wasn’t confirmed. Also, the development of it is related to the Western Colonialism and international Zionism based on the Baha’is writings and the foreigners’ documents, SAVAK reports and previous 30-year documents. For instance, there are documents which the Baha’is themselves are claiming that they are sending to the west for the United kingdom to use which is against the national security and authority.

SAVAK reports that the intelligent service of Israel is using the Baha’is to gather news. Also, there are several documents that they themselves are related to Masonry lodge and the Baha’is never came to deny. They answered generally: We are a religion. We are peace and universal unity creed.

During the Islamic Republic, we encounter three movements:

 ۱) The United Kingdom due to its betrayal, crimes, plans and Colonial antecedents during the previous two centuries,

۲) The united states due to its crimes, encroachments, aggressions and plans,

۳) Israel due to being a military and political base of the west in the region. During these 35 years, Baha’ism was attached with these three countries. Israel has been united with Baha’ism, too. So that, Shoqi Effendi visited Israel president in 1336 S.H. after the establishment of the Zionistic government and announced his loyalty.

The last issue is that in a country which most of its people are Muslims, respecting Islam and Shiism has been mentioned. Everything which is against Islam and the Holy Quran must be campaigned.

Bahaism in Iran
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