کد خبر:10425

Establishing the universal house of justice, the central seat for the Baha’ism organization during Pahlavi era

By: Mrs. S. N. Supporting Baha’ism by Pahlavi was stopped to the end of the despotic government of Pahlavi ordered by the Colonial governments. Due to the support, the Baha’is could do important actions to strengthen their organization. One of these actions was the establishment of formation of the great Baha’i center called the greatest […]

By: Mrs. S. N.

Supporting Baha’ism by Pahlavi was stopped to the end of the despotic government of Pahlavi ordered by the Colonial governments. Due to the support, the Baha’is could do important actions to strengthen their organization. One of these actions was the establishment of formation of the great Baha’i center called the greatest universal house of justice in Haifa located at the occupied lands of Palestine.


the universal house of justice

This new council was responsible to do the following three duties: 1) Having relationships with the Israeli guardians 2) Helping Effendi with performing duties related to the above-mentioned building of the highest position and 3) Negotiating with the country guardians concerning personal issues (Effendi, Shoqi, Badi’a century, Nasrullah Mawaddat, (the national institute of the faith press, Badi’a, Tehran, Bita), Vol. 2, p. 162).

The Baha’is belief in the united universal government and coincidence of providing 10-year plan (10-year plan is consisting of 28 aims which must be performed since 1952 to 1963). Its preparation and regulating started by Shoqi Effendi on October 1952 A.D. / 1330 S.H. After it was regulated, Shoqi Effendi asked the Baha’is living across the world to help him do the duty by their financial aids to the universal house of justice. The proselytizing organization of the Iranian Baha’is which was developed following the greatest universal house of justice was as follows: 1) The spiritual and national assembly of the Baha’is 2) The Spiritual consultation assembly

  • The spiritual and national assembly of the Iranian Baha’is.

This assembly was considered as the most important proselytizing organization of the Baha’is of Iran which was established in 1300 S.H. / 1340 A.H. in Tehran city. It was the first coherent and concordant organization which was expanded by Shoqi Effendi universal plans. A branch of it was established in Israel. After a while, it was recognized formally in the universal center of Baha’ism in Israel (the faith news magazine, the formal organ of the Baha’is, No. 10, 11, 12, Bahman, Isfand and farvardin 1332 and 1333 S.H.)

  • The spiritual consultation assembly

After the establishment of the spiritual and national assembly, the center of the assembly of national and spiritual consultation was established by the Baha’is in 1306 S.H. In fact, this foundation is a branch of the organization of national assembly. In its first meeting, the spiritual consultation assembly divided the country into 17 parts.

Source: 1) https//intjz.net/maqalat/sh-oahlavi & bahaiyat.htm

Bahaism in Iran
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