کد خبر:10620

Baha’ism and helping the quake-stricken people of Turkey!!!

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention to it greed beyond its help and the antecedent of its insulting with Turkey and its betrayal, the Baha’i organization claimed for the Baha’is help […]

In its report from Turkey, the Baha’ism organization first appointed its priority to helping the quake-stricken Baha’i people and revealed its selfish figure for all once again. Without paying attention to it greed beyond its help and the antecedent of its insulting with Turkey and its betrayal, the Baha’i organization claimed for the Baha’is help as the quake-stricken people’s hope!

In a message which was published on February 2023 A.D. narrated by Shamsuddin Ozturk, the Baha’i media presented formation about the earthquake and the Baha’ism organization activity in this country. In this message, the Baha’ism organization announced that on the condition that the Baha’i organization offices haven’t been damaged, they are available to be used by the Baha’is.

The Baha’ism organization said: “The national spiritual assembly will consult about how to help the disciples after recognizing and stabilizing the conditions of disciples and it will inform the community again in this regard.”

The Baha’ism organization also called the Baha’is as other Turkish quake-stricken people’s hope and wrote: “We are sure that the followers of the Excellency Bahaullah won’t without any help to associates being resistant and having tranquility and they are considered as others’ hope even during these hard days[1].”


  • By appointing priority; once again, the Baha’ism organization displayed its selfish figure. As a matter of fact, the cult which is shouting the slogan of the oneness of humane world and humanitarian activities prefers its followers to other people based on the policy and belief of Baha’ism leaders.[2]
  • The Baha’ism organization didn’t ask itself how Turkish non-Baha’is can be hopeful of Baha’ism?! The Baha’ism won’t help others aiming humanitarianism based on its organizational and theological principles[3], but it considers the Turkish race to be humiliated.[4] It is the forerunner of the greatest betrayal against the Turkish Islamic land in favor of Britain.[5]


[۱] The Excellency Omid Siahpoushan, February 6, 2023 A.D.

[۲] Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 129 Badi’a, Vol. 4, p. 353.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Highest Pen’s works, narrated by the proselytizing channels of Baha’ism, No. 27, p. 260.

[۴] Fazel Mazandarani, the private Asrarul Athar, Bija, the national institute of the faith press, 124 Badi’a, Vol. 3, pp. 42 $ 43.

[۵] For more studies refer to the article: Why did Jamal Pasha decide to crucify Abdul Baha?

Bahaism in Iran
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