کد خبر:10796

The Baha’ism assassination in the contemporary history of Iran

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late Qajar dynasty. As you know, the Babis planned Amir the great’s assassination and assassinated abortively on the lunar month of Shawwal 1268 A.H. / August […]

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late Qajar dynasty. As you know, the Babis planned Amir the great’s assassination and assassinated abortively on the lunar month of Shawwal 1268 A.H. / August 15 1852 A.D. which was ended in arresting a group of Babis

The first riots of the Babis happened in the first year of Naseruddin Shah’s kingdom when Amir the great, the most creditable minister of the Iranian contemporary history was the Chancellor. The greatest riot was Muhammad Hassan Khan’s one in Khorasan. Mirza Taghi Khan Amir the great repressed the riots and executed Ali Muhammad Bab by shooting on the lunar month of Sha’ban, 1277 A.H. in Arg Square, Tabriz.

 Amir the Great

According to Fereydoun Adamiyyat, the Babis were behaving people wildly during their riots in Naseri period of time. They cut off the war prisoners’ hands and legs and burned them.

The murders committed by the Babis can be divided into five groups: 1) The political murders; 2) Killing Muslim figures 3) Killing the Babis who were against Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (mainly the Azalis) 4) Killing the Baha’is who were aware of the secrets 5) Killing the heads of the Baha’i cult.

The terroristic activities during Constitution revolution are bond with the following people: Abdul Hussein Khan Moez-al-Soltan, Ehsanullah Khan Doostdar, Asadullah Khan Abul Fath Zadeh, Ebrahim Khan Monshi Zadeh and Muhammad Nazar Khan Meshkatul Mamalek

The mentioned-above terroristic group assassinated Sheikh Fadhlullah Nouri abortively (Zelhajjeh, 16, 1326A.H.). The agent of the assassination was Karim Davatgar some other people were arrested in this regard. One of them was Mirza Nejat Khorasani who was a member of Baha’i cult. Abul Fath Zadeh, Monshi Zadeh and Zeinul Abedin Khan Mostanul Mok formed a new terroristic group. A person who called Hussein Allah and cooperated with the mentioned-above new terroristic group killed Seyyed Abdullah Behbahani. After the event, Abulfath Zadeh escaped Europe.

In 1268 A.H., two Babis assassinated Naseruddin Shah abortively. The governmental evidences indicated that Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri has played a key role in planning and executing it. Mirza rejected, but Ezzieh Khanom, Mirza Hussein Ali’s sister has confirmed it in the book Tanbihunnaemin.

Mirza Asadullah Dayyan who was the writer of the book Bayan and was informed of many secrets of Babism appearance was killed ordered by Hussein Ali Baha.

Abarqou massacre is one of the clear examples of fierceness of Baha’ism organization. In one of the villages nearby Abarqou, Yazd city a faithful woman was living called Soqra, 56 along with her youngesters. Ordered by the Baha’ism assembly, this 6-people family was massacred on the solar month of Day, 13, 1328 by Muhammad Ali Shirvani. This barbarous Baha’i murderer attacked this brave woman’s house along with his companions and first killed her 3 daughters with spade and axe and then cut the woman and her two male youngesters into pieces.

Bahaism in Iran
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