کد خبر:11152

Dawning place of the mention of God/ the temples for deviating religionDawning place of the mention of God/ the temples for deviating religion

     The following article explains about the prayer sessions which is one of the most important treacheries of Baha’ism for attracting and proselytizing.      The following is the explanations of one of the experts of Ruhi plan concerning the prayer meetings briefly: “The prayer meetings is a measure originated from a spiritual institute in order […]

     The following article explains about the prayer sessions which is one of the most important treacheries of Baha’ism for attracting and proselytizing.

     The following is the explanations of one of the experts of Ruhi plan concerning the prayer meetings briefly: “The prayer meetings is a measure originated from a spiritual institute in order to answer to our fundamental questions through consulting in the meetings. After we pray, we will encounter the new concepts which help us select the activities. We feel we need to take measures. So, it is necessary make the rest of the group aware of the concept. The prayer meeting is a small sample of the Baha’i teaching manifestation; because every person can participate in these meeting and pray having any belief. It naturally heads to growth; because the person feels himself/herself in need of attending in other Baha’i affairs by participating in these meetings. For instance, he/she feels enter into other dimension of helping society. For instance, he/she feels to be the kids’ teacher. Additionally, he/she starts holding prayer meetings. A group may be in need of pray with music or another group interpret the pray. According to its innovation, each meeting can have a new solution for itself… concerning the place for the meetings, it should be said that they gather together in countries in which there are the dawning place of the mention of God. Mashrequl Azkar are the Baha’i temples; but people can enter into them having each religion. The prayer meetings can be held in each place. The countries located nearby the Persian Gulf can select every place to pray. In each region, the meeting are held by the previous and new Baha’is… So, it is natural that after a while the offspring will participate in the meetings and then, other members of the locality will enter into the activities and welcome them.

     With the excuse of the slogan of the oneness of human world, Baha’ism has built several buildings called the dawning place of the mention of God and introduced them a place for worshiping all religions by extensive proselytizing. The buildings in which the cult programs are being proceeded supervised completely by the Baha’i organization. Due to the prohibition of the organizational activity in some countries and the continuity of holding proselytizing gatherings in all regions, the plan for the prayer meetings as one of the main ones of the organizations continually preached in order for the possibility of attraction in all lands dominated by Baha’ism to be created.

     Each person can participate in these meetings having each kind of belief and pray. The fact is that all the text which are being recited individually or in group belong to the Baha’ism heads. Of course, some of these Baha’i prayers have been stolen by the Baha’i leaders from the Islamic ones.

     Exploiting this category by Baha’ism indicates the organization’s planning to make people deal with the cult; because prayer is an intrinsic behavior. What’s Baha’ism’s aims by posing this category? Is it a treachery or sympathetic?

     Baha’ism offers a precise plane of these meetings and their methods of holding to the members; so that, it mixes the prayer with the inner concepts of the organization and dictates the place of execution on people. According to the Baha’i expert’s statements, the prayer meetings is being changed into some gatherings for consulting about the Baha’i issues and proselytizing’s for consulting about the Baha’i issues and proselytizing Baha’ism. The ultimate aim is dealing more people with Baha’ism. Of course, these explanations are originated from the Baha’ism heads. They try to pretend these proselytizing activities to appear spiritual.

     The Dawing place of mentioning God/ Mashrequl Azkar

     In order to perform its plans for making communities Baha’i, the organization has built some Baha’i temples and called them the dawning places of mentioning God. In fact, they are the institutions having central role in the Baha’i community. For the first time, Hussein Ali Nouri suggested building the first dawning place of mentioning God in the book “Aqdas”. Then, its aims were explained and expanded by his son “Abbas Effendi”. Of course, the nature of such building is concordant with the name assigned to them because Mashrequl Azkar means the place foe mentioning God; but it is used for the Baha’ism organization to achieve its goals which are proselytizing and proceeding the Baha’i government.

     Baha’ism is trying to build a Baha’i base to achieve a kind of independence which is the forth phase of the main plan of the organization. It is better to say building the dawning place of mentioning God is a preface for creating a Baha’i government. Paying attention to the works of the Baha’i heads clarifies the political and organizational position of the dawning place of mentioning God:

     “.. It is necessary for the bases of the national spiritual assemblies to be expanded, strengthened and paid attention. This is basically the start for establishing another assemblies on which the divine administrative order must be settled… It should be tried for the completion of this holy task to duplicate population and the individual centers in all continents of the world…” (The blessed writings, October, 1952-1957, Vol. 5, pp. 272-273)

     On the other side, Baha’ism tries to find new followers for itself using different attractions; so it has built such temples exploiting the best architects and spending a great deal of money to attract tourists. For instance, it has spent 3 years to suitable stones for one of these dawning place of mentioning God. Proselytizing extensively, Baha’ism introduces these places for gathering the followers of various religions; while organizational youth distribute Baha’ism proselytizing booklets among the visitors when they are entering and emphasize them to study.

Bahaism in Iran