کد خبر:11643

Mawlavi Abdul Hamid, in which direction are you moving?

The commandment of Sunni scholars about Baha’ism Sunni scholars, like Shia dignitaries, have all ruled that Baha’ism is false and misguided. Now, according to what rule Mawlavi Abdul Hamid has stated that Baha’is are not apostates, it is worthy to be questioned!!!!! Islam and the holy Qur’an, as the last religion and the holy book, […]

The commandment of Sunni scholars about Baha’ism

Sunni scholars, like Shia dignitaries, have all ruled that Baha’ism is false and misguided. Now, according to what rule Mawlavi Abdul Hamid has stated that Baha’is are not apostates, it is worthy to be questioned!!!!!

Islam and the holy Qur’an, as the last religion and the holy book, have been the focus of the followers of religions and infidels’ attention since the time of prophetic mission of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh), and have been repeatedly attacked by ill-wishers. So, the unification of the Islamic Nation and the prevention of religious deviations against the common enemies have always been important to Shia and Sunni dignitaries, especially in recent centuries, and are still emphasized.

One of the deviant cults that started enmity and malice against Islam less than two centuries ago and is propagating today with the support of Zionist trends and arrogance is the heretic cult of Baha’ism.

The orders and fatwas of the great sources of religious authority and Shia scholars are clear about this cult and they have issued fatwas on their deviance and invalidity. In order to further emphasize the unity of the Shia and Sunni dignitaries regarding the Baha’ism organization, here are some fatwas of the sheikhs of al-Azhar in Egypt and Muslim scholars regarding Baha’ism and those who follow their deviant creed.

  • Sheikh Salim al-Bashri, may God have mercy on him, Sheikh Al-Azhar issued a fatwa on the infidelity of “Mirza Abbas”, the leader of the Baha’is, and this fatwa was published in Misrul-Fatat newspaper on 12/27/1910 A.D., number 692.


Sheikh Salim al-Bashri


  • The Supreme Islamic Law Council in Palestine decreed that the Baha’is are infidels and recognized Baha’ism as a blasphemous cult that is considered a danger to Islam as well as to other societies in general, and in 1932 A.D., Sheikh Ali Rushdi, the representative of religious institutions in Palestine was dispatched to Gaza as the head of a group of sheikhs to fight against the spread of the Baha’ism creed and considered it as a call to disbelief and the destruction of Islam.

  • The Fatwa of the Mufti of Egypt land, Sheikh Abdul Majid Salim, may God have mercy on him, issued No. (2522) dated 11/3/1939 A.D.:

Sheikh Abdul Majid Salim


Question: The Ministry of Justice of Egypt wrote to Mufti of Egypt land as follows: “The Ministry of Interior sent us its letter No. 59-539, and sent its copy along with this brochure which contains the Personal Status Law of the Baha’i Community, and a copy of Letter No. 32 to this ministry by the previous government on June 30, 1931 A.D. and requested your fatwa regarding the request of this group to allocate a piece of land to them to bury their dead in Egypt, Alexandria, Bursa’id and Ismailia. Therefore, please send the documents and provide us with the necessary fatwa for this matter so that it can be sent to the Ministry of Interior Affairs.

Answer: We have seen your letter No. 647 dated February 21, 1939 A.D and its attached documents, including the Ministry of Interior’s letter No. 59-539 dated January 24, 1939 A.D. which included a request to answer the question of whether it is permissible to bury the Baha’i dead in Muslim cemeteries or not. And we say that this tribe are not Muslims, as anyone who knows their beliefs will understand that they are not Muslims, and to know that they are not Muslims, it is enough to read this personal status law, which is in accordance with the requirements of the Baha’i creed, and is attached to these documents.

And if one of them who has been originally a Muslim and then chose the belief of this tribe, then he has apostatized from the religion of Islam and left Islam, and the rules of the apostate prescribed in the religion of Islam will apply to him. And since this tribe is not Muslim,so it is not permissible to bury their dead in the Muslim cemetery, even if that person was already a Muslim or was born a Baha’i from the beginning.

  • The Fatwa of the Mufti of Egypt land, Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad Abdul Al Haridi, may God have mercy on him, issued No. (2439) dated 9/8/1960 A.D. regarding a man who dies and has a Baha’i child, whether his child will inherit from him or not?

Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad Abdul Al Haridi


Question: From Mr. Ahmad Mustafa, who said that Mr. Al-Dasouqi, who is a Muslim, died on January 13, 1934 A.D., leaving behind his wife and children, a son and a daughter, and he has a son who was a Baha’i before his father’s death. Until now, he is still a Baha’i and demands an explanation about his inheritance and the share of each of the heirs.

Answer: After the death of Mr. Al-Dasouqi in 1934 A.D., his wife inherited one-eighth of his estate, and for his Muslim children, the share of each son is twice that of the daughter, and the son who became a Baha’i before his father’s death and is still a Baha’i does not receive any share of the inheritance, because he has apostatized from Islam by joining the Baha’i creed, and as stated in the Sharia, an apostate does not inherit from his relatives.

  • Fatwa of Sheikh Muhammad Seyyed Al-Tantawi Sheikh Al-Azhar Egypt

The recognition of the Baha’i tribe in Egypt is considered as “departing from the religion of Islam”

The Baha’i cult is a poisonous misguided group whose poisons should not be spread in Islamic societies. Tantawi added: The Baha’i cult is completely against the religion of Islam and no one is allowed to recognize it as a religion, otherwise, from our point of view, this action means leaving the religion of Islam and the teachings of heavenly religions.

He also emphasized that the word Baha’i should not be allowed to be mentioned in the identity card of anyone who considers him/herself a Baha’i, because this means admitting Baha’ism as a religion.

Referring to the fatwa of Ali Jadul-Haq, the late Sheikh of Al-Azhar in 1986 A.D. which was also cited by the Islamic Studies Forum in 2003, Sheikh Al-Azhar said: Baha’ism has nothing to do with heavenly religions, but is a new heresy that was created thanks to British colonialism in the late 19th century. It was created with the purpose of discord among Muslims and denying the religious obligations of Islam. In such a way that the Baha’is, put the city of Akka in Palestine instead of the Kaaba as their Kiblah, and basically they do not believe in the Day of Resurrection and the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) unlike the Muslims.

Bahaism in Iran