کد خبر:12174
Rin Vilsoun

When the Baha’i child-eater celebrity establishes a charity institution for children!

The disclosure of part of the dimensions of the terrible, huge and comprehensive case of “Jeffrey Epstein”, the Jewish billionaire who has the title of the biggest trafficker of children with the goals of sexual slavery and ritual sacrifice in America has been perhaps the biggest and most shocking social event linked to the function […]

The disclosure of part of the dimensions of the terrible, huge and comprehensive case of “Jeffrey Epstein”, the Jewish billionaire who has the title of the biggest trafficker of children with the goals of sexual slavery and ritual sacrifice in America has been perhaps the biggest and most shocking social event linked to the function of the “hidden government” and its affiliates in America and other parts of the world.

Jefry Epstein, the one whose documents have been published showing that he was a member of the Mossad, was the one who was in charge of a large network of child trafficking from China, Ukraine, Poland and other contaminated areas of the world (from the point of view of human trafficking) whose was responsible for providing evil and criminal entertainment for the famous, powerful and influential “elite” in America and of course recording these crimes on photo and video was (and still is!) to subjugate these elites and get their services.

The connection of the British royal family with the sex mafia

Recently, social activists, investigative journalists and some relatively more liberal politicians have made revelations about the list of passengers of Epstein’s private island (in which child sacrifice ceremonies and sexual exploitation of them by the elite were carried out) that are extremely shocking. The list includes Henry Kissinger and Bill Clinton, Alan DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and many famous Hollywood singers, athletes, and actors.

We’ve already covered Jeffrey Epstein, his partner Ghislaine Maxwell and their sinister network, and there’s sure to be more to come, but here, just to let the audience know when we’re talking about Orgy Island’s passenger list, that is, Epstein’s private island called Little Saint James, what kind of creatures are we talking about? We introduce one of them as a handful of examples.

Jeffrey Epstein and Gillian Maxwell spying on politicians

American comedian, actor, director, producer and businessman Rainn Wilson has been one of those who visited Epstein’s private island on several occasions. This person is one of the most scandalous celebrities associated with Epstein, as he has never been shy about expressing his dirty secrets, even on social media.


Rainn Wilson Celebrity and Holliday Reinhorn; Baha’i celebrity couple

Rainn Wilson

In the image below, which is a collection of Rainn Wilson’s old tweets, (with apologies to the audience) he brazenly talks about the pleasure of having sex with children, torturing them, eating their flesh and blood.

But the more terrifying thing is that this person, who so openly shouted his evil thoughts in cyber space, was not only prosecuted, but also tried to establish a “charity institution for children” in the poor and afflicted country of Haiti called “Lidè Haiti” only for teenage girls!

The name of Haiti’ has been linked to child trafficking at least since the country’s deadly earthquake (2010). One of the most famous names in the case of child trafficking is the name “Clinton Foundation” (in the case of a Haitian orphan assistant named “Lara Silsby” who was actually one of the intermediaries and providers of children for influential assemblies in the United States. Clinton Foundation is associated with accused child trafficker, Lara Silsby.

Rainn Wilson and the Clinton Foundation

The more important point is that this Satan-worshiping psychopath is a close friend of the Clintons and was supported by the Clintons and famous people such as Oprah Winfrey in establishing his “charity”, which is one of the usual covers for international child traffickers in crisis-stricken areas.

Oprah Winfrey and Rainn Wilson; close friends

And as a final note, it is interesting to know that this child-eating monster is a member of the deviant cult of Baha’ism.

Bahaism in Iran