کد خبر:12401
Ibrahim George Kheirollah2

Baha’ism from the critics’ point of view – Ibrahim George Kheirullah

Since the emergence of the Baha’i creed till now, the teachings of it have been exposed to be criticized and opposed. The Muslim and Christian scholars and generally the followers of divine religions have had the most criticism against the legitimacy and the teachings of the Baha’i creed which are being considered as an evolved […]

Since the emergence of the Baha’i creed till now, the teachings of it have been exposed to be criticized and opposed. The Muslim and Christian scholars and generally the followers of divine religions have had the most criticism against the legitimacy and the teachings of the Baha’i creed which are being considered as an evolved creed of Islam and other divine religions by them. In addition to the followers of monotheistic religions, and religious thinkers, Baha’ism has been exposed to be criticized by non-divine authors and thinkers and even the Baha is. Ibrahim George Kheirullah, the author, Speaker, lecturer, thinker and Baha’i critic was born on Nov. 11, 1849 in Lebanon. He became Baha’i in 1890 A.D. and proselytized confirmed by Bahaullah (the first leader of the first the Baha’is). He was the first Baha’i proselytizer who traveled to America for proselytizing Baha’ism agreed by Bahaullah. He could invite a great number of the Christian American people to Baha’ism. Due to his valuable services in the form of modern and extensive proselytizing, Abdul Baha called him “the winner of America”,” the second Christopher Columbus”, and “Baha’s Peter”. After traveling to Acre and residing there for 6 month and being Abdul Baha and his family’s neighbor he concluded that Abdul Baha was a liar, hypocrite, domineering, imposter and unreliable. He believed that Abdul Baha wasn’t merited for the leadership of Baha’i creed. Abdul Baha suspected him, too and didn’t consider him as a reliable and obedient person.

    Dr. Kheirullah believes; The worst action done by him was that he put himself between the Baha’is and God and everybody who dared to

disobey his orders was threatened to be put in the hell. So, he was

    Ibrahim George Kheirullah describes Abdul Baha as a powerful politician, vicious, the mixture of Turkish and Roman diplomacy and skillful in playing with his followers emotions. After Kheirullah turned against Abdul Baha, he did several measures against him. Mirza Hassan Khorasani was dispatched to America to threat Ibrahim Kheirullah.

    In Bahaishenasi periodical, a sentence has been narrated by

Ibrahim Khairullah: Abdul Baha is not merited for the leadership of the Baha’i creed. (Baha’I Shenasi periodical, No. 18)

    The following criticisms have been stated by Kheirullah and his group against Abdul Baha:

     ۱) Idle claims:

Baha (Hussein Ali Nouri) said: “Everybody claims for being the manifestation, he/she will be a liar, hypocrite and usurp!

     Abbas Effendi claimed for manifestation in his epistles in a hidden manner using vague expressions and statements. The proselytizers who were being dispatched by him to various countries for proselytizing were explaining using vague expressions and statements including “the father” and “the son” are the same and Abbas Effendi is the new manifestation and his speech must be considered as inspired and theosophic.

     ۲) Cursing and rumormongering:

Bahaullah prevented measures such as backbiting, accusation and aversion, but Abdul Baha forced his followers to commit all of these offences to achieve his goals.

     ۳) deviating or forging Hussein Ali Nouri’s works:

The question is that: does Abdul Baha dare to change or deviate Bahaullah’s speech? It should be said to answer this question that undoubtedly yes. If it is necessary, it will be happened in the future, too. Because when a person dares to deviate and change the words of text, he/she will repeat this action in the future.

Bahaism in Iran
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