کد خبر:12510

The assassination of Amir the Great by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Amir the Great, the skillful chancellor of Naseri periods of time was the reformer of religious and political affairs in addition to his efforts to campaign against Colonialism and arrogance. His most important measure in interior basis was repressing Babism and Baha’ism riots in addition to confronting civil ones. After the repression by Amir the […]

Amir the Great, the skillful chancellor of Naseri periods of time was the reformer of religious and political affairs in addition to his efforts to campaign against Colonialism and arrogance. His most important measure in interior basis was repressing Babism and Baha’ism riots in addition to confronting civil ones. After the repression by Amir the Great, they didn’t dare to threaten the political security of the country anymore.

      A powerful measure which was finally ended in his murder along with his reforming measures.

      The activities of the Baha’is started when most people didn’t have suitable economic and social conditions. The extent of people’s awareness and education was in the lowest level and people’s attraction towards Baha’ism and threatening the security of the country seemed probable.

      The Baha’i cult was going to create riot and insecurity during Muhammad Shah’s period of time, but their serious souls expanded during Naseruddin’s Shan’s period of time.

      As a matter of fact, most villages were covered with riot when Muhammad Shah died among which Salar one was the most sever. During Fetrat period of time, the Babi Leaders misused the situation and tried hard to preach Bab’s message and invite people. Amir the Great’s government who had repressed the riots encountered with

” Babis sedition”. In this situation, Mullal Hussein Boshroyee and Malla Muhammad Ali Bar Foroushi create an extensive sedition in Khorasan and Mazandaran and some people from this cult rioted and created insecurity in Zanjan and Yazd cities.

      Amir the Great Considered the measures of this cult as weakening the central power of the government and found out that this sedition was originated from the English. As a matter of fact, Amir guessed truly. Russia and England were supporting Baha’ism at that time. Two countries tried to be influential by supporting this cult and to confront against the scholars.”

       The Baha’is took vengeance which is still reflected in Baha’i writings in Iran and America. The Babis planned for assassinating Shah, Amir the Great and the leader of Friday prayer of Tehran city, but it was revealed by Amir the Great. Eventually, reforming measures by Amir the Great caused him to be killed by his enemies via intriguing the Shah.

     They misused the court differences and first tried to make differences between the King and Amir the Great. Mirza Agha Khan Nouri was the main core in this path. Since Muhammad Shah’s periods of time, he was to become the chancellor by making Naseruddin Shah gain power. There was a close relationship between Mirza Agha Khan Baha (Hussein Ali Nouri) and when Agha Khan was physically punished by Mirza Aghasi and exited and financially fined during Muhammad Shah’s periods of time, Hussein Ali helped him and prepared necessary money for him. He also helped Agha Khan financially during exile period of time. This relationship had started since their fathers’ periods of time and strengthened during Amir the Great’s periods of time. The Babis who were going revenge, so they misused Agha Khan Nouri’s power. It resulted in Amir the Great’s removal and his exiling to Kashan city. The Babis also misused Mahd Oliya, Hussein Ali Nouri and Agha Khan Nouri and planned for Amir the Great to assassinate.

Bahaism in Iran
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