کد خبر:12830

A large number of thinkers who turned against Baha’ ism

During the research about ex-Baha’is, we encounter interesting notes. One of them is the method of recruiting people to this cult. The leaders of this cult were posing other claims except for the final ones. For instance, Bab was recruiting people by the claiming for the forth pillar and being the gate for Imam of […]

During the research about ex-Baha’is, we encounter interesting notes. One of them is the method of recruiting people to this cult. The leaders of this cult were posing other claims except for the final ones. For instance, Bab was recruiting people by the claiming for the forth pillar and being the gate for Imam of the Time and didn’t speak about abolishing Islam and the new religion. So; testified by the Baha’i histories, the first faithful person who believed in him, Mullah Hussein Boshrouyee said when he heard Badasht events of unveiling: If I were there, I would penance people by lash. Or Mullah Abdul Khaleq Yazdi, one of the great claimants of Babism whose son was killed in Babi riots and wars against people and governmental forces said: Alas, my son was killed in unwarranted manner…[1]

      Another factors in people’s turning against Babism and Baha’ism were discovering hidden secrets and materials and contradictions in the leaders’ actions and speech. One of these people was Abdul Hussein Ayati Tafti entitled Awareh who was one of the greatest proselytizers, teachers and authors in Baha’ism whose activities, proselytizing trips and works such as the book “Kawakeb Al-Dorrieh which is written about Baha’ism history was extremely confirmed by Abdul Baha. After Abdul Baha’s death, when he figured out that shogi had gained power by unreal wills and documents, he was shocked and turned against Baha’ism. He says he changed his mind in Egypt and went to Haifa and asked shogi for the tablets of wills. Then, he said the realities to the members of spiritual assembly in Beirut and wrote for Ahmad Yazdani in details to take it to the assembly.

      After a week when I had returned to Tehran city, they had issued a letter of excommunication. I didn’t write for two years. The Qajar government was overthrown. Then, I started working. Now, 16 years have been passed and Shogi Effendi has issued forcible tablet for me and has given unsightly titles to me. He predicted divine rage for me, but it wasn’t fulfilled.

     The book Kashful Hiyal includes discovering the Baha’i leaders’ tricks in three volumes.

     Another person is Abdul Baha’s writer and a very reliable person to him called Fadhlullah Mohtadi, the radio story teller who turned against this cult discovering facts about Abdul Baha’s private life particularly when shogi gained power. He was excommunicated by Shogi and was behaved violently and in inhumane manner. People like Colonel Sabet Rasekh and Adib Masoudi who were of the greatest claimants of Baha’ism and found that this cult was non-divine. They turned against Baha’ ism and wrote some books to explain the contradictions of the cult.

       Foreign ex-Baha’is include Francesco Ficicchia , a researcher from Switzerland who was serving in the universal house of justice in Haifa for a while, but eventually he turned against Baha’ism and wrote a book criticizing their beliefs in German language. The other one was Dr. Juan Cole, the professor of history in Michigan university who was a Baha’i for years and served Baha’ism very much, but at last he turned against Baha’ism and criticized it. Other people Were William Carlington, Dale Husband, Ing Bartle, Carron Back and tens of other researchers who have discovered interesting notes inside Bata’ism which are important for researchers of this field…

         It is worthy to be mentioned that important people and thinkers have joined into this cult due to proselytizing and practical freedom in this cult in America during nearly 50 years. After a while, they have found out that this cult and its leaders are baseless after searching and investigating it scientifically. They have turned against Baha’ism and expressed their hate against this cult. For example: Dale Husband, Frederic Glaysher, Eric Estetson, Dennis Mac Eoin and etc.

        Inside the country of Iran, there have been people like :Mahnaz Raoufi, Mahshid Rezaee, Ataullah Qaderi, Behzad Jahangiri, Nahid Vahdat Sho’ar and etc. who were ex-Baha’is and have revealed undercover issues of Baha’ism and ethical and theological contradictions in this cult and its leaders. Mrs. Mahnaz Raoufi has published some books against the deviant cult of Baha’ism entitled “love slaughterhouse, deceit, the ominous shadow and Mr. Behzad Jahangiri has published two books entitled “organization disclosed” and “playing with the organization” against the deviant cult of Baha’ism.


Fakhkhari, Abdul Hussein, two-century challenge, Gouy publishing house, 1st edition, 1398 S.H.


[۱] Zohorul Hagg , vol. 3, p. 173.

Bahaism in Iran
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