کد خبر:12841

Parviz Sabeti’s lie about his religion (Muslim or Baha’i)

     In the first part of Parviz Sabeti’s document casted in Manato network, the interior manager of security of SAVAK claimed for his family to be both Muslim and Baha’i; his paternal aunts were Muslims and his maternal aunts were Baha’is. He said about himself that “I announced at that time that I didn’t believe […]

     In the first part of Parviz Sabeti’s document casted in Manato network, the interior manager of security of SAVAK claimed for his family to be both Muslim and Baha’i; his paternal aunts were Muslims and his maternal aunts were Baha’is. He said about himself that “I announced at that time that I didn’t believe in any religion.” Additionally, he has introduced himself as agnostic and claimed:” The existence of God whom we know and has been introduced to us has not been proved!”

       He had posed this claim for the first time in his diary book called “in the event trap” in1390 S.H.: “when I got mature and knew myself, I didn’t believe in any religion. I have been an irreligious person. I neither have been a Muslim nor a Baha’i and nor the follower of other religion (p.648). philosophically, I believe in humanism. I am agnostic, that is, I believe that the existence of God who has been introduced in this form hasn’t been proved “(p. 649).

      However, he showed his opposition against religion at that dialogue:” To be honest, if I had power, I would minimize the role of religion and illuminate (p.588).

      As he has mentioned in his diary book. He has written “Muslim, Shia in the employment questionnaire (Education ministry, administration of justice and SAVAK). I couldn’t write irreligion and I wasn’t too stupid and bigoted to destroy my future service” (p. 651).

      It interesting to be noted that one of his reasons for opposing Shia is the application of dissimulation in this religion and he considers it as allowing to be liar in necessary situations (p. 562).

      Although Sabeti claims for being irreligious, but he completed his employment questionnaire as Muslim, Shia in the third general office of SAVAK dated 1347/05/14.

      On the back side of the questionnaire, he has explained:” Of course, it should be written in religion column as Shia because Islam is a faith and Shia is religion, but I have written to answer religion column as Islam in all questionnaires and this issue is false, I should have written Shia. Consequently, I am a Muslim, Shia.”

     He has mentioned his father, Hussein and his mother, Zia’s religions as Islam and contrary to his current claim, he has mentioned his maternal aunts and their offspring as Islam, Shia and his maternal uncles’ ones as members of the Baha’i cult.

Another deceit of Sabeti was that he had used the words “the Baha’i cult” in employment questionnaire, but in his diary book he considers Baha’ism as one of Ibrahimi religions and a branch of religion of Islam (Shia). That is; at that time, he even introduced his relatives to be the members of the Baha’i cult not from a heavenly religion.




The center for the documents of the Islamic Revolution of Iran



Bahaism in Iran
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