کد خبر:12967

The relationship between Baha’ism and the terroristic subgroups

Baha’ism is claiming for not meddling with policy or even willing to political parties and speaking about policy is illegitimate for it. During the revolution, Baha’ism was quite against the revolutionary movements and was obstructing as long as it could. At that time, a set of special organizations such as Mojahedin Khalg were standing in […]

Baha’ism is claiming for not meddling with policy or even willing to political parties and speaking about policy is illegitimate for it. During the revolution, Baha’ism was quite against the revolutionary movements and was obstructing as long as it could. At that time, a set of special organizations such as Mojahedin Khalg were standing in front of university holding manifesto and were selling their theological books. These organizations were always encouraged by Baha’ism. Of course, confronting these groups, they didn’t say they were Baha’is, but they continually intriguing them and saying this is your right to share the revolution. As a matter of fact, the organizational activities weren’t limited to simple gatherings. They were always confirming proselytizing: In the book Aqdas, the Excellency Bahaullah has forbidden carrying weapons except for military people or they were saying the Baha’i creed has been emerged just for creating peace and oneness of human kind and the Baha’is have been forbidden to fight and avoid carrying weapon as the teachings of Baha’ism. While most Baha’is had bought weapons secretly. Even, I had bought a Russian gun. Of course, the representative of the Baha’is of Tehran city had stressed that the public mustn’t be aware of the Baha’is to be armed. Since there was a good relationship between Baha’ism and Komeleh, one day one of the members of Komeleh insisted on taking a photo with me carrying weapons. I was lucky since the electricity went.

      Many Baha’is as the members of Komelch and Democrat Party of Azerbaijan region caused several guards of the guard corps to be martyred whose names are existent. In Miandoab, person called Shahram Fadhli was recruiting for Peykar organization on the path of freedom related to labor class. Many Baha’i youth were recruited. Two Baha’i youth called Fadhli and Sahandi went to the mountain along with Komeleh party and were Killed announced by a manifesto. I remember that during the conflict, the representative of the national assembly had come to Azerbaijan and was worried about this issue that lest the Baha’is are captured alive and cause other members to land in trouble. of Course, they were all Killed. If these Baha’i people were captured alive, a clear document concerning Baha’ism’s dangerous positions against the system of the Iranian government was revealed. Even, many these members who might create problems for Baha’ism position were sent abroad by the Baha’ism organization.

      Generally speaking, there was a good relationship between the Baha’is and Komeleh even in the roads Komelch and Democrat made people get off their cars, the Baha’s continued their ways by saying we are the Baha’is.

      Generally, Baha’ism was bond with each group which was against Islam and the system of the Islamic government.

      The deviant cult of Baha’ism has been the initiator of many terroristic measures in Iran since 1230 S.H. during Qajar and Pahlavi governments till after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. It has cooperated with alien’s intelligent services such as the usurp regime of Israel and the western Colonial countries. According to orders by Ali Muhammad Bub Shirazi, a large number of people were massacred during King Naseruddin and the like.



Ataullah Qaderi, the ex-Baha’i


Source: Qaderi Mehr Abad, Fayyaz, Ata’s years (A narration about the biography of Ataullah Qaderi, an ex- Baha’i), the publishing house of Soureh Mehr, 1399 S.H. , pp. 202-203.

Bahaism in Iran
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