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Terrorism, the basis of Zionism The understanding of the reason for the massacre of Gaza people

By: Seyyed Hassan Mousavi       The historical evidence reveals that gathering existent the old Testament has been ended in 11th and 12th centuries A.D. It can be said that this deviated book is the basis and origin of most of the hateful features and the inhumane ones of the Jewish. One of the teachings of […]

By: Seyyed Hassan Mousavi

      The historical evidence reveals that gathering existent the old Testament has been ended in 11th and 12th centuries A.D. It can be said that this deviated book is the basis and origin of most of the hateful features and the inhumane ones of the Jewish.

One of the teachings of the old Testament which is in humane is preaching violence, murder, plundering, assassination and considering non-Jewish human being's soul and properties as worthless. In religious Jewish teachings, this tribe is merely considered as human being according to them, other human beings are animals in the form of human beings. This note is the basis for their selfish, criminal and rough behavior against others.

Other clear and uncovered teaching of the old Testament about murder and massacre:

Murder is one of three cardinal sins of Judaism alongside with idolatry and formication. The religious court and common law authorities of Judaism ordered for the killer of a Jewish person to be punished even more severe or more than their authorities. However, if a Jewish person commits murdering a non-Jewish, no court is allowed to try and punish that person. The compilers of the existent old Testament have changed this heavenly book into a culture of crime, massacre and brutality that as if there aren't any mercy, kindness and sympathy in the heavenly and divine creed of the Excellency Moses (P.H.) and they have introduced this oppressed prophet of God as a violent one to such an extent that each Jewish person who is more violent and criminal against aliens will be given more rewards. It is stated in the old Testament that after One of the wars when the troops of the children of Israel were returning while they had massacred all men and plundered all properties and destroyed cities, the Excellency Moses said to them: Did you keep all women alive? So, kill male kids and widows...

      In such racist religion in which such statements are narrated by God's prophet, the behaviors of its followers can be easily predicted. Indeed, aren't all the massacres by the Zionist Jewish based on these Satanic teachings? 

      It is deplorable that these pushers have attributed most of their foul deeds to God and have introduced themselves as obedient of the divine orders. It is stated in the other part of the old Testament: “And when Yahweh, your God makes them surrender and you defeat then, distinguish them completely and don't conclude a treaty with them and don't have mercy on them and extinguish all tribes surrendered you by Yahweh and don't have mercy On them...!"[1]

      Don't Jewish scholars ask themselves that God sends prophets for the guidance of people or for the massacre of them? Even if war and massacre can be justified for the hostile tribe, but violent won't be justified for those who want to conclude a treaty with a prophet or his followers at all. How Can this religion attract and guide misled people? So; basically why has it been sent if it has not followed this aim? 

      This Testament orders some youth of a city who want to refer to the one except for the children of Israel's God: "Of course, kill the residents of that city with sword and extinguish its beasts with sword and burn the city with all of its booties for the sake of Yahweh..."[2] It has never been mentioned that why these animals are guilty! 

      Of course, it is clear from the lies, violence and criminality of the children of Israel that they have written this book to transfer this criminality temper to the next generation.

      In the old Testament, it is stated about fighting with Seyhoun residents: "We Faked possession of all cities at that time and extinguish men, women and kids of each city and killed all of them...[3] Is killing kids and women of a tribe considered as honor for the children of Israel that it states such crimes frankly gloriously?

      Today, the practical commandments and social rules of the Jewish are derived from such violent and false stories. Most rabbi interpreters in the past have concluded using these narrations that during the war all aliens who belong to enemy population can or even must be killed so that it is clearly declared in some sources that: " The best aliens must be killed."[4] Isn't it the extreme of cruelty of the strategy of a tribe? Has not the assassination of the best intellectual of us such as the nuclear martyrs been fulfilled based on this satanic commandment? 

      Although the combative temper of the Jewish has been accompanied with them during their shameful life of this tribe especially after the establishment of this criminal Zionistic regime, but since 1973 A.D., the violent view of the mass destruction has been formally and practically taught to the Israeli military personnel of Israel. These formal encouragements have been written for the first time in a textbook published by the commander of central region of the Israeli army. The great rabbi of the army writes in the booklet: "When our troops confront against the civilians during a war or at the time of an armed pursuance, you will surely writes be hurt. According to Halakha[5], these civilians can or must be killed." An Arab must not be trusted at all even if he/she seem civilized. During the war, when our troops rush finally, Halakha orders and allows them to kill civilians well."[6]

      After publishing this textbook, explicitness in declaring assassination plans, distinguishing the intended people and even in humane tortures of Zionistic and terroristic system systems circulated among the attendants and the media of Israel. The heads of the Zionistic terrorism compiled, edited and published detailed books concerning various terroristic organizations related to the government of Israel and shamefully explained about the beliefs, ideologies, crimes and tortures of these organizations fearlessly and immodestly[7]. Martin Van Grewale, the professor of history in Israeli Hebrow university had said in this regard: "The Palestinian people must be killed as much as necessary. A person who cannot commit a crime to save his/her country isn't merited to rule… After massacring Palestinian people, a high wall must be constructed to separate Palestine and Israeli regions; so that the relations between these two regions is completely cut. If a crime is committed in a suitable time, it will be forgivable and I can live in a community which commits a crime to end crime.”[۸] Menahem Begin, the sixth prime minister of the usurp regime and the Nobel peace prize winner says: "The holy sword which is the symbol of power and violence is praiseworthy for all the Zionists. The Jewish dignitaries have repeatedly expressed their enthusiasm about it. The development force in the world history is not peace, but sword.[9] Jabotinsky one of the Jewish thinkers addresses his Jewish students: “Keep sword cos fighting with sword is not invented by the German people, but it is our first ancestors'... The old Testament and sword have been sent down for us from the heaven.”[۱۰] Even, Martin Luther who is German and belonged to the Jewish can't miss this important historical note: "In Easter, the Jewish people drink the Christians’ bloods and their physicians make the Christian patient poisonous.”[۱۱]

      What is stated was mere example of thousands. Among the valid sources of Christians, various materials about the crimes of the Jewish have been posed. The following are some of them: In Canticle 132 and the book "the second Samuel, it is stated: "Killing the Christian is of our religious duties and contracting with the Christian doesn't make the Jewish bound over to pay.” Or it is also said: Non-Jewish people are God's enemies and resemble pigs and it is open for everyone to kill them. If one of non-Jewish people is killed, it is a sacrifice in the God's path.”[۱۲]

      The author of the old Testament says in Daniel book insolently: "The non-Jewish must be killed even if he/she is pious and benefactor." Or: "It is illegitimate to save the non-Jewish even if he/she is fallen into a well. A stone must be immediately put on it.”[۱۳] 

      Some simple-minded people believe these issues are related to the previous periods of time and they aren't fulfilled now, but the following adventure can make them figure out the present tempers of the Jewish. 

      A physician residing in England has recently informed his strange observations about Pasch feast of the Jewish people through the internet. Dr. Edward Buswill says: “I passed my medicine studies in Glasgow university in Scotland and lived in a house belonged to a Jewish family. A week before Pasch feast of the Jewish, Madam Mc. Vay, my landlord asked me to bring her pack of blood from hospital. Although I insisted why she has asked me a pack of human blood, she didn't explain about it. I brought a pack of mouse and rabbit blood used in laboratory instead of human blood for her. The next week when it was Pasch feast and all relatives were present, a big cake was brought and shared. They gave me a piece of cake. I saw some black lines on the cake. It has a special taste. I asked the family members and they answered back laughing: This cake is mixed with the blood you brought.

      Then, I figured out that eating the cake mixed with human blood is an old habit of the Jewish.[14]"

      The mentioned materials can be considered as signs of the Jewish teachings especially the Zionist's against humanity whose special and total example is the savage massacre of women, kids, old men and women, animals, and destroying welfare facilities and health ones in occupied Palestine and Gaza. According to these teachings, when the Zionists are present in each country or region, they will be the origin of misery, evil, sedition, war and massacre. It is worthy to be mentioned that satanic structures such a Bahaism overlap Zionism teachings completely. 

[۱] The old Testament, the book numbers, Chapter 7

[۲] The old Testament, chapter 13.

[۳] The old Testament, chapter 2.

[۴] Rabbi Zahaji, Torouee, the interpretation of Shulchan Aruch, in introduction of alien discussion

[۵] One of the interpretive valid texts in Jewish religious law

[۶] Rabbi Sarhang, A. Avidan, Sincerity of weapon under the ray of Halakha, thought and research chapters.

[۷] Safataj, Majid, Zionism and Israel encyclopedia, vol. 2, under the title of Zionism assassination

[۸] The Islamic Republic newspaper, No, 6671, dated: 1381/04/16.

[۹] Safa Taj, Majid, ibid.

[۱۰] Ibid.

[۱۱] The history of the great religions, John Noss, p. 385.

[۱۲] Ayat Husseini Shirazi, the world, the I toy of the Jewish, pp. 101-105

[۱۳] Ibid.

[۱۴] The Islamic Republic newspaper, No. 6621, dated 1381/02/14.
Bahaism in Iran
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