کد خبر:13671

Amir the great’s success disciples against Baha’ism

      It is proved via experience and science that the victory and failure of the great men owed to their disciples. No great man became successful during history but the one who was accompanied by the great men. During history, there are many examples particularly in the history of Islam. The Excellency Moses (P.H.) asked […]

      It is proved via experience and science that the victory and failure of the great men owed to their disciples. No great man became successful during history but the one who was accompanied by the great men. During history, there are many examples particularly in the history of Islam. The Excellency Moses (P.H.) asked God for a strong and trustful man called Aron.

      The holy prophet Muhammad (P.H.) was accompanied by a brave man called the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (P.H.) and Imam Khomeini (P.H.), the great architect of the Islamic Revolution was helped by Martyrs Beheshti and Motahhari and etc. Additionally, Amir the great was accompanied by great men and scientists.

Amir the great is considered by historians as the main factor of repressing Babi sedition and executing their leader (Bab) and his disciples were Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Abdul Hussein Tehrani (Amir’s successor), Mirza Muhammad Hashem Tabatabaee the special secretary and Amir’s confident), Aziz Khan Sardar Makri (Amir’s bridegroom, Mo’tamnul Molk Ansari (the author of Amir’s secrets), Cheragh Ali Khan Zanganeh (the deputy of Amir’s government in Isfahan) were strongly opponents of Babism and helped so much to eradicate the Babism in Iran and Iraq.


      Abdul Hussein Tehrani:

      Ayatollah Hajj Sheikh Abdul Hussein Tehrani called Sheikhul Iraqein (died in 1286 A.H.) was of the jurisconsults in 13th century. When he was residing in Karbala a great number of people of Karbala  were imitating him.[1] He was Ayatollah Saheb Jawaher’s student”.[2] Ayatollah Mirza Hussein Nouri called him as the gist of researchers and elite.[3] According to E’temadul Sattuneh, Tehrani was learned clergyman practicing religious jurisprudence. He was Trustful in the Ottoman government and Iraqi rulers respected him very much.[4] Naseruddin Shah had appointed him to supervise repairing holy shrines of Iraq such as developing and expanding the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (P.H.) and repairing its building.[5] The Shah trusted him in his caring in repairing the illuminated tomb and installing golden sun-dried bricks.[6] The Shah commissioned him in 1274 A.H. to repair the holy shrines in Karbala, Kazemein and Samare and he was busy doing it since 1274 to 1286 Α.H. His library is famous in Karbala due to having precious copies. [7]

      After Amir’s murder, sheikh was in charge of supervision of his family’s affairs.[8] When he observed that Bab and Baha’s innovation endangered the religion of Islam, he campaigned seriously. His oldest measure was to prevent Bab and his disciples visiting Muhammad shah Qajar (Naseruddin’s father).

      In a tablet, Hussein Ali Nouri (Baha) called him “doubtful negligent” and “a crafty element”.[۹]


      Saeed Khan Mo’tamenul Molk Ansari

      Mirza Saeed Khan Motamenul Molk Ansari, the prominent literary man and politician in Qajar was the special secretary[10] and author of secrets[11] of Amir the great. Naseruddin Shah appointed Mirza Saeed as the minister of foreign affairs of Iran after Amir’s death commended by him. During the adventure of Reuters colonial contract by Mirza Hussein Khan, commander-in-chief Mirza Saeed was of the opponents.

      Mirza’s other valuable attempt was providing to edit and fulfill a Constitution based on Shia religious jurisprudence which was aborted due to his death.


      Cheragh Ali Khan Zanganeh

      Chergh Ali Khan Zanganeh, Serajul Molk (died in 1287 A.H.) was the member of diplomatic board of Iran.[12] Amir had appointed him as the governor of Isfahan. He was successful I in attracting all people’s satisfaction.[13] Arthur De Gobineau says: “Gheragh Ali Khan is a very beautiful man having a good looking cherished face and is suave.”[۱۴]

      The followings are his services: Having good relationships with great scholars, his effective role in providing discipline and security in the region, developing weapons and textile industries, repairing historical buildings, reforming agriculture affairs, making items cheap, preventing the agents of government’s injustice against people.[15]


      Amir’s confident

      Hajj Mirza Muhammad Hashem Tabatabaee, Ayatollah Mirza Mahdi Qazi Tabatabaee’s offspring was considered as great and pious jurisprudent of his era in Tabriz City. He cooperated with Abbas Mirza and his efficient minister Mirza Bozorg Farahani (Qaem Magham’s father) extensively to solve the problems of Azerbaijan.[16] After Muhammad Shah’s death, Mirza Hashem came to Tehran along with Naseruddin Shah and Amir the great and became Amir’s special secretary and confident. Mirza Hashem opposed Babis seriously and called them “the bastard.”


[۱] Refer to Abul Qasem Afnan’s remarks, the historian Baha’i, p. 388 & 390.

[۲] Ma’aref Al-Rejal, Sheikh Muhammad Herzuddin, 34.2.

[۳] Ma’aref Al-Rejal, 112.2.

[۴] Maktoubat, manifestos of Martyr sheikh Fadhlullah Nouri, Muhammad Torkaman p. 449.

[۵] ۴۰ years of the Iranian history, attempted by Iraj Afshar, 189.1.

[۶] Reyhanatul Adab, 329.3; Ma’aref Al-Rejal 35.2.

[۷] Naseruddin Shah’s newspaper to Khorasan, Ali Naghi Hakimul Mamalek, p. 47.

[۸] The biography of Iranian men, 243-244.2.

[۹] The stories of the life of the Blessed Beauty, Ali Akbar Foroutan, the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, p. 17

[۱۰] The Blessed writings of the blessed guardian of the faith, 123 Badi’a

[۱۱] Foreign ministry men, pp. 17 & 18.

[۱۲] Three years in Asia, Arthur De Gobineau’s itinerary, translated by Abdul Reza Houshang Mahdavi, p.97.

[۱۳] Ibid, p. 197,198.

[۱۴] Ibid, p. 195.

[۱۵] Qajar era men, Hussein Sa’adat Nouri, p.184.

[۱۶] The history and geography of Tabriz royal seat, Nader Mirza, pp. 223, 224

Bahaism in Iran
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