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Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives

Control and supervision of Bahaism organization over members’ lives – Part 1

 Bahaism organization is one of destructive cults. This cult is always trying to display a positive and favorable figure of itself. It tries to hide its real essence which is sectarian dominating on this deviant cult; a nature which takes away even the rights and freedom of its members.         Control by cults:       […]

 Bahaism organization is one of destructive cults. This cult is always trying to display a positive and favorable figure of itself. It tries to hide its real essence which is sectarian dominating on this deviant cult; a nature which takes away even the rights and freedom of its members.


      Control by cults:

      Cults are controlling all life conditions of a person, planning for him/her and even controlling his/her relationships, but those who are not members of cults are quite free in social intercourses, political activities, electing spouse, selecting job, course of study, using media, press and telephone, and etc.

      Steven Hassan, one of the cult experts states in this regard: “Mind control has been stated extensively by investigations of Leon Festinger as psychologist to describe three items of “control of behavior”, “control of thoughts and” control of feelings “which is called cognitive incompatibility theory. “Anyway, the component of data control was added to this collection based on his experiences about mind control in the cult and his researches about destructive cults. If you control the awareness received by the person, you will confine his/her freedom in thinking. Steven Hassan calls this collection as four components of mind control which is being applied as a basic reference for pointing out the understanding of the method of mind control function cult function by cults. Steven Hassan has merged this phenomenon which is being performed by the destructive cults with his personal experience interviewing with those who have been in mind control circumstances and stated it with scientific theories and concepts.


      Controlling people in Bahaism cult:

      The organization of cults is trying to encumber emotional relations of members to attract members towards themselves.

      In such circumstances, the negative sense of the member toward cult is being destroyed and according to him/her everything is perfect and faultless. When the person enters into the cult, s/he is bombarded emotionally and cult provides many friends for him/her. Cult controls his/her relationships to achieve its aims. In this process, the members are trying not to oppose and not to lose their new friends. In fact, members are controlled by turning on and off members’ love and emotion.

      Maryam Karami, one of the victims of the cult says in this regard: ” It was fascinating for me that they assembled a meeting for the sake of me. I loved such meetings because they gave me personality and majesty. They gave me the ring of the greatest name and I wore it gloriously. I started learning their prayers by heart and all of them were giving me personality and I helped to be with them.

      One the other measures of Bahaism organization to control its members emotionally was “the organizational marriages”.

Behzad Jahangiri

 Behzad Jahangiri, one of the ex- Baha’is says about the extent of influence of the organization on the members lives via organizational marriages: “… The assembly members are allowed to meddle with the most intimate affairs of the Baha’is: Job, social intercourse, marriage, economic activities and etc. My wife thought the assembly considers her serious while she didn’t know that the organization has made her busy because of the tactics of Bahaism is making members busy in order not to be influenced by the other people.”

      Iraj Gholami, one of the other ex-Baha’is says about this Kind of Bahaism function: “If we had relationships with Muslims, they would ask us and look upon us with contempt. They made us ashamed and wretched in order for us not to repeat this action… .”

Iraj Gholami

Maryam Gholami says about controlling members in the deviant cult of Bahaism: “I participated at meetings less after I figured out the contradictions existing in the cult. So, my friends came and said: Why aren’t you participating at meeting anymore and aren’t going out with us. I was saying: I am bored. I have jobs to do. In fact, they want those who are deaf an and blind.”

      Fadhlullah Mohtadi, one of the ex-Baha’is says about controlling by the cult: “… All Baha’i Babi aren’t allowed to speak with the Azali ones.”

Fadhlullah Mohtadi

Maryam Karami says about controlling data of the members in the cult and special trainings: “A Baha kid goes to English class when s/he is 5 years of age. Golshan and morality classes are necessary in Bahaism. They grow up using Rouhi plan. It isn’t so that they grow up at once and they are told they are Baha’is. they haven’t been allowed to take part in religious ceremonies of Muslims ….”

       Fadhlullah Mohtadi says about the cult measures to prevent the members’ awareness about events in his memoirs: “Several years after Abdul Baha’s death when Shogi Effendi gained power, his first order was gathering Bab and Baha’s letters with their own handwritings to be sent for him to keep and hide what is harmful for the creed and is not merited for people to know.

          Behzad Jahangiri says about the controlled and isolated atmosphere of the cult: “They justify each sin except thinking, awareness and studying!! For this reason, late Sobhi’s book-which rejects Bahaism- is a forbidden one … or late Ayati’s book is profane and; in brief, the assembly considers all books written to reject Babism and Bahaism as boycotted.  

      Fadhlullah Mohtadi says about the plan for residing 9 or 19 days in Haifa: “These short days weren’t adequate for figuring out the issues! Particularly, they were several of these days in Acre for personal affairs … of course, it was advisable… .”

      Behzad Jahangiri also says about controlling members’ sources of study: “Mr. Ayati – Mr. Ayati was called Avareh due to his enthusiasm, but when he realized the realities in Acre, he turned against Bahaism or late Sobhi whose books are forbidden to study.”

Abdul Hussein Ayati

The cult organization is controlling the members’ minds. The members must learn to give a finish to his/her intellectual processes to see and analyze the world based on cult viewpoints. In the deviant cult of Bahaism, the members’ thoughts are controlled by the organization.

Bahaism in Iran
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