کد خبر:13898
Abdul Baha

why does the Bahaism organization use Abdul Baha’s photo (Abbas Effendi) as the leader?

      The Bahaism political organization is a quite American one in nature. Its branches are in other countries. Even, that British branch which is being ran earlier 20th century was ran by the American. The American assemblies ran all other branches of Bahaism confessed by the Baha’is based on the existent documents. However, our historians […]

      The Bahaism political organization is a quite American one in nature. Its branches are in other countries. Even, that British branch which is being ran earlier 20th century was ran by the American. The American assemblies ran all other branches of Bahaism confessed by the Baha’is based on the existent documents. However, our historians are continually speaking about England and considering Abdul Baha‘s photo while a medal was being bestowed to him as the symbol of this attachment. Yes, the relationship with England was existent, but it wasn’t original; the original one was the relation with the American centers of power.

      One of the cognitive errors about Bahaism is its political organization. They introduce themselves as a creed and religion. In Iran and the Islamic countries where the political nature of Bahaism has been recognized, the word cult is being used for it which is more correct than religion, but the concept organization is righter.

      Bahaism possesses a quite clear administrative discipline. They have written various books entitled the administrative discipline and each Baha’i person is responsible for reading these books and regulating them in his/her organizational and social behavior. That is, one of the teachings of the Baha’is since childhood is the administrative discipline. In the leadership council and Baha’ism leaders, it is declared that we are an organization and glory in it. At the moment, they say we are an organization in the speech of the members of the universal house justice which is the leadership council of the Baha’is. They may say we are religious organization, but why do we call them the political organization?

      An organization is a political one when it is going to gain power to govern or increase its political power. Power is not necessarily the political one. It can be social, economic ideological media and etc. The summit of the struggle of a political organization is gaining political power.

      Here is the question: Are the Baha’is going to gain the government?

      We say: Yes. It is asked: Where? We say: In their ideological dream, they are going to achieve a universal government, but they are dramatically saying in countries like Iran where we have expanded more. Amir Abbas Hoveyda, the then prime minister was Baha’i and in the army and high-ranking organizations and offices, the Baha’is were in charge. At that time, they announced they were going to achieve a government which is Baha’i by its name. One of the greatest demanding of Bahaism organization was to be recognized officially. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, they were hit politically.

      In their medium proselytizing, they have of course said: We are going to expand the divine morality! The second note is that they are going to increase their numbers to achieve the government; so, the Bahaism organization is going to gain power and has planned measures for it and proceeded to achieve the aim. Like other political organization, the main aim of this political organization isn’t announced in public medium atmosphere.

      In political sociology, the religious organizations which are going to gain power are called the political organization. The difference between the political organization and parties is that parties announce formally that we are going to gain power. We are going to participate at elections. We have congress and these people are our central council. This is our secretary general and our financial sources are here, but the political organizations hide their aim in other covers.

      The phenomenon of the unique universal government and its related policies are the ones followed by main centers of power since 19th century.

      Stepping with conditions is of the specifications of Bahaism. So, the Bahaism organization even the Jewish-American leaders are defined under the unique universal policy movement. The Bahaism of Iran is following the Bahaism of America and Israel. The center of Bahaism is in Haifa, occupied Palestine, but many power centers which were formed late 19th century in America have been kept in America. Two main bases of Bahaism are in the occupied Palestine and America. Decisions are made there not in Iran. The assembly existing in Iran is conducting those policies.

      One of the organizations which is following overthrowing is Bahaism. During 1401 S.H. events, the Baha’i forces were captured. They were extremely active.  

      Consequently, the Baha’is are using Abdul Baha’s photo as their leader because most of the events mentioned above happened during his lifetime.



Source: Ismaeeli, Hamid Reza, the book “the political organization of Bahaism”, ۱۹۷۹ A.D., 1892. the political studies press, The year 1401 S.H.

Bahaism in Iran
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