کد خبر:14135

Iman Motlagh Arani, the Baha’s person who is in charge of the security of the Baha’i organization

      According to the official organization of Bahaism, Iman Motlagh Arani” is one of the prominent scientific and proselytizing people of the Bahaism cult who is in charge of security committee of this cult. Mustn’t he be pursed as a security criminal? Because he keeps directly in touch with intelligent service and security of the […]

      According to the official organization of Bahaism, Iman Motlagh Arani” is one of the prominent scientific and proselytizing people of the Bahaism cult who is in charge of security committee of this cult. Mustn’t he be pursed as a security criminal? Because he keeps directly in touch with intelligent service and security of the criminal and the occupies regime of Israel.

      “The great researcher and author” is the title applied by the official site of Bahaism organization for Iman Motlagh Arani. Confessed by the official site of the Bahaism organization, Iman Motlaq Arani has been born in 1366 S.H. and is a researcher and Baha’i author and teacher who teaches theology, philosophy, psychology and interpretation of semi-religious texts of Bahaism: “Undoubtedly, he is one of the great masters of the faith community today. Now, he is living in California, Riverside and is the university student of philosophy and psychology in URS.”

Iman Motlagh Arani


      The Excellency Motlagh Arani has been studied for years in the presence of the Baha’i prominent researchers and instructors and he is the doing research with the Excellency Farzam Kamal Abadi (a high-ranking member of the Bahaism organization). Motlagh Arani has written several articles and two books about the philosophy of religion and the Baha’i theology and now he is studying and searching for several online and offline magazines. As a developer and consultant of financial and occupational affairs, he is also working for Boloukchin and the universal job creating centers.


      According to Motlagh Arani’s remarks, he is the member of the committee of preservation of the Baha’ism organization (the committee which keeps in touch with the security foundations in Israel) and he has started his activities in this position and in Iran since he was 15. After leaving Iran, this security official of the Baha’i organization is active in this position till now.


      The interesting note about Motlagh Arani is that this scientific and security character of the Bahaism organization has written for the interior media of Iran and his writings have been published in the Iranian press. As he has published his articles in Bimahaba periodical or Virgoul site misusing the ignorance of press supervising foundations and people in charge.

       However, why must the writings of the scientific and security members of the Baha’ism organization be prevented in the Iranian media and press?

       It should be said that one of the proselytizing programs of the Bahaism organization has been defined in the form of soft influence and indirect proselytizing of Bahaism cult. For example, Motlagh Arani has defended the proselytizing method of a Baha’i in clergyman’s cloth indirectly who rejected Shiism.

Bahaism in Iran
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