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Bahaism running about confronting against the negative growth of members

Bahaism running about confronting against the negative growth of members

      Population rate has always been paid attention as one of the influential criteria in various policy makings and it is considered as one of the indexes of development in statistics analyses to such an extent that this index is being considered as a factor to increase the economic power and social investment.       Although […]

      Population rate has always been paid attention as one of the influential criteria in various policy makings and it is considered as one of the indexes of development in statistics analyses to such an extent that this index is being considered as a factor to increase the economic power and social investment.

      Although compiled measures and decisions are considered as necessary to preserve population or planning in order for suitable growth, the important category is the framework which bond this population as a community because the secret of durability in history is the cleanliness of the origin:

“ألَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ ضَرَبَ الله مَثَلًا كَلِمَةً طَيِّبَةً كَشَجَرَة طَيِّبَة أَصْلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَفَرْعُهَا فِي السَّمَاءِ”

      “Have you not regarded how Allah has drawn a parable? A good word is like a good tree: its roots are steady and its branches are in the sky.” (Ibrahim Chapter/ Verse 24)

      A glance at the statistics of the population of the deviant cults like Bahaism reveals that during the years Bahaism hasn’t been able to provide even few populations for itself even by exploiting the maximum facilities while this few population is decreasing day by day. By increasing media activities and soaring people’s awareness, the deceptive function of Bahaism organization was revealed for everybody.

      In spite of the organization attempt for proselytizing and developing Bahaism along with financial supports, spending huge amount of money, appeasement to some countries and etc., the population of the Baha’is is extremely low based on official statistics. During years of investigating the Bahaism organization, this fact is revealed that each year, the number of Bahaism members is decreasing due to strict rules such as spiritual excommunication and etc. The following reasons have resulted in decreasing in population across the world:

      – Interior pressures on members,

      – The weak and baseless beliefs of the heads of the deviant cult of Bahaism,

     – Unacceptable pyramid organizational activity for members,

     – Caste separation even in religious activities,

     – Not considering the real quality of spirituality,

      – The lack of speech compatibility and function of Bahaism organization heads and etc.

      As a matter of fact, the disappoint rate with the growth rate in spite of numerous proselytizing along with being free from real spirituality cause some Baha’is to leave the organization. So, the heads of the organization are always trying to present direct and indirect strategies of their quantitative growth in order to ignore the lack of quality using this trick to achieve authoritarian aims.

      Regarding great emphasis of the messages concerning saving people or the lack of member emigrations particularly from Iran, it is obvious that preventing the decrease in organizational population even at universal level is the important priority of the main center of Bahaism decision making.

      Because Iran is an Islamic country, the Baha’is prefer to emigrate to the countries in which the sectarian organizational centers are active and located there.

      So, the main center of Bahaism is advising the organization heads to prevent them to leave Iran using tricks and to create seditions among Shias. For example, the special message of the universal center of Bahaism concerning the emigration of Iranian people, August 2010.

      Is it really logical for a so-called heavenly religion to assign duty for the residential place for its followers and to present these orders deceptively and secretly?

      Although the prohibition of emigration for ordinary people and in general aspect is being posed flatteringly to scare people of the difficulties of leaving Iran:

      “Leaving Iran or residing there is a complicated and sensitive issue and making decision in this regard is personal and conscientious done after prayer, litany, thought and consultation by the faithful person. The disciples who leave Iran as refugees are encountered with long-termed anarchy and adversities, remoteness from hometown, relatives, the lack of complete familiarity with the circumstances of new environment, encountering with different rituals, languages and customs and financial problems. Although the new generation were successful in higher education, but all members of the family – old or young – were encountered with difficult challenges resulted in the above mentioned difficulties…”[۱]

      “The Iranian Baha’is who have been grown and prepared by the powerful hand of the Excellency Bahaullah in the path of fulfilling the holy tunes are priceless treasures for the divine faith not only in Iran but also across the world…”[۲].

      “Don’t let the jealous and enemies tell the reason for elevation of the faith in the past and earlier the emergence of movement are the blessed bodies and the resistance of pure souls of the faith martyrs because at present they aren’t so and the faith of Bahaullah will be deviated, weak and destroyed.”[۳]

      One of the other operational plans of Bahaism is the establishment of an organizational resort in each region and a method to the lifestyle of people of that community by which its beliefs are expanded. In Asian countries like Iran in which social life is founded based on family, the family issues are mainly stressed and even some instructions concerning the increase in the number of families have been announced such as the messages of the universal center of Bahaism on Nov. 24, 2009 and March. 18, 2009.

      Additionally; in recent years, the plan for increasing the population of the deviant cult of Bahaism and inducing it to the Baha’is are ordered by the heads of the organization.

      In addition to encouraging the increase of the number of the Baha’is, the organization is training the methods of making kids Baha’is to parents. Basically, Bahaism is the very organization originated from the universal house of justice and each Baha’i who doesn’t obey the UHJ isn’t considered as the Baha’i.

[۱] The message of the universal center of Bahaism, May, 2006.

[۲] The message of the universal center of Bahaism, Jan. 12, 2004

[۳] Ibid, Feb 10, 1980.

Bahaism in Iran
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