کد خبر:14247
‘is views about Bahaism

The ex-Baha’is views about Bahaism

Mahnaz Raoufi, the ex-Baha’i, spent 25 years of her lifetime in Bahaism. Raoufi says about the proselytizing methods of Bahaism: “The Baha’s use the best psychological methods to preach their beliefs and try to induce their beliefs and thoughts using each way. Communicating message and commandment by the Baha’is are the most important principle of […]

Mahnaz Raoufi, the ex-Baha’i, spent 25 years of her lifetime in Bahaism.

Raoufi says about the proselytizing methods of Bahaism:

“The Baha’s use the best psychological methods to preach their beliefs and try to induce their beliefs and thoughts using each way.

Communicating message and commandment by the Baha’is are the most important principle of their cult life.”

      She continued:” I spent 25 years of my lifetime in Baha’ism and  spent all my energy serving the organization. Of course, I was always thinking of my path to be right and true. When I figured out that this is a man-made and quite political cult , I tried to search about the reality prevented by Baha’ism, of course. As a matter of fact, searching reality is the first duty of Baha’ism cult considered by them not to be assigned just to the Baha’is. The followers of the cult aren’t allowed to study non-Baha’i books prevented by the cult. Studying the books written by Mr. Ayati and Mr. Mobtadi created many questions in my mind.”

      Raoufi says: “We, the Baha’is, had to be under religious period educations since childhood to the end of lifetime. We were working like ants and executing the Baha’is missions; that is, we were working to such an extent that we didn’t have enough time to think about our beliefs. We were enjoying the job we did. After that, I studied Martyr Motahhari and Ayatollah Sobhani’s books. I decided to leave the cult. However, they separated me from my family and I wasn’t allowed to visit my family. Nevertheless, I had found my way.”

      This ex-member of Bahaism cult says about Bahaism buttocks to answer special key doubts: “The Baha’is use special psychological methods during their followers’ lifetimes to make them lover, deaf and blind. Confronting Muslims, they try to make them doubtful in their beliefs to cause them far apart Islam and close to Bahaism. They influence on their agents ‘  minds to such an extent that we considered Bahaullah as God and worshiped him, but they are still unable to answer the key doubts in their history and beliefs.”

      Raoufi points out the historical bonds between Baha’ism and Israel and says: If we look at the history of Bahaism since the time when Bahaullah was freed by Dalgourki, the Russian ambassedor and Hussein Ali Nouri’s exile, being supported by the usurp Israel and exemption to pay taxes in Israel, their programs, functions and spying for Israel and the universal house of justice in Iran all and all will indicate that this cult has been forged and quite made by the Colonial governments since its establishment. The Bahais are reluctant and traitors. The president of Israel and its prime minister  are visiting the heads of the universal house every year.”

      Raoufi questions Baha’isom honesty totally and says: “The common aim of the Baha’is and Israel is eredicating Islam. They exploit Arabs’ wealth, Mustions power and the population of Asian countries to achieve their greeds. I ask you to you doubt everything you hear from the Baha’is. Because they aren’t honest at all. Cos the organization asks them and communecates its policies to them. There isn’t honesty among them at all.”

      Maybe, it can be possible for us to figure out the numerous sectarian and substantive commonalities between Bahaism and Monafegin cult clearly and openly by exact look at these speeches and srutinizing Monafeqin band.



Source: Tazvir & Tahajjor magazine, the autospy of the deviant cult of Babaism, winter, 1390 S.H., Ketabdar Toos publishing house, Compiled by Habiliyan Habiliyan center.

Bahaism in Iran
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