کد خبر:14372
The similarities between Sufism and Bahaism

The similarities between Sufism and Bahaism / deification of elders

      In all theological and behavioral areas, human being must obey the Excellency holy Imams (peace be upon them); otherwise he/she may be deviated. The dignitaries of Sufism and Bahaism have been deviated due to lack of total belief in the holy Imams (peace be upon them) cos they haven’t underpinned most of their teachings […]

      In all theological and behavioral areas, human being must obey the Excellency holy Imams (peace be upon them); otherwise he/she may be deviated. The dignitaries of Sufism and Bahaism have been deviated due to lack of total belief in the holy Imams (peace be upon them) cos they haven’t underpinned most of their teachings on the basis of the holy Imams’ teachings; so the dignitaries of these movements have been afflicted by absurdities. One of the similarities between Sufism and Bahaism is that some of the beads of these deviant movements have been afflicted by deification.

       Suffering from deification, Bahaullah has said in the book Aghdas:

«یا ملأ الانشاء اسمعوا نداء مالک الأسماء انه ینادیکم من شطر سجنه الأعظم انه لا اله الا أنا المقتدر المتکبر المتسخر المتعال العلیم و الحکیم انه لا اله الا هو المقتدر علی العالمین»[۱]

      “O’ people, listen to the owner of names, surely he calls from the great prison that there is no god but me who is powerful and haughty… .”

      Or he has written a letter for Hadi Dolat Abadi and addressed:

«خف عن الله، ان المبشر قال: انه ینطق فی کل شأن اننی انا الله لا اله الا الله أنا المهیمن القیوم»[۲]

      “Be afraid of God and the evangelist has said that he (the one whom God shall manifest) always says: I am God and there is no god but me, the important and the eternal one.”

      This approach has been existent among Sufism dignitaries. For instance, Hussein Ibn Mansour Hallaj has attributed the destruction of Aad and Thamud tribes to himself and said: “I am the destructor of Aad and Thamud tribes.”[۳]

      According to above-mentioned examples, it will be obvious that Sufism and Bahaism movements possess common teachings. One of these teachings is deification considered for themselves by the dignitaries of these two movements.

      The analysis of Imam Khomeini (P.H.) is one of the best ones stated for such absurdities. He considers the root of these absurdities in selfishness. He writes in this regard:

«و ما وقع من الشطحیات من بعض اصحاب المکاشفة و السلوک و ارباب الریاضة فهو لنقصان سلوکهم و بقاء الانانیه فی سرهم او سر سرهم فتجلی علیهم انفسهم بالفرعونیه»[۴]

“What is said by Sufis by the name of absurdities is due to selfishness…”

      It is worthy to be noted that deification teaching of several heads of Sufism and Bahaism is against the Islamic and religious rudiments and the Excellency holy Imam has never considered themselves as God and have continually fought against the exaggerators. The Commander of the Faithful has stated:

«هَلَکَ فِیَّ رَجُلَانِ مُحِبٌ غَالٍ وَ مُبْغِضٌ قَال»[۵]

      “Two persons were destroyed for the sake of me: A friend who exaggerates in his/her friendship and the enemy who overspends in his/her enmity.”

      This tradition reveals that the Excellency holy Imams (peace be upon them) extremely dislike those who exaggerate about them and consider all of them as destructed people. So, their methods of lives aren’t confirmed by the holy Imams (peace be upon them).



Source: The comprehensive site of cults and religions


[۱] Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aghdas, chapter 132.

[۲] Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, Ishraghat, Bija, p. 158 and also pages 90, 24, 194, 265.

[۳] Rouzbahan Baghli Shirazi, the explanation of absurdities, translated by Muhammad Ali Amir Moezzi, Tahouri publishing house, 4th edition, 1382 S.H., p.33.

[۴] Mousavi al-Khomeini, Seyyed Rouhullah, Mesbah al- Hedayah, Imam’s (P.H.) works publishing house, p.53.

[۵] Sharif al-Razi, Muhammad Ibn Hussein, Nahjul Balaghah, Qom, 1st edition, 1414 A.H., p. 489.

Bahaism in Iran
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