An interview with “M.A.”:
– How did you become familiar with Bahaism?
– In 1376 S.H., I was working a factory in Kerman city where I realized that the workshop supervisor was a Baha’i. I became really inclined to know about this issue more that why it is said Bahaism is deviant cult. So, our dialogue started which lasted for sometimes about an hour. After a while, we were eating lunch in his office together. It was continued. He invited me to his house where they had a prayer ceremony. Some questions were exchanged and I gradually entered into a Baha’i situation. I superficially observed that their ceremony was pure and without hypocrisy and lie.
– What was their plans to recruit you?
– After I participated at their party meetings and courses, I was given several books to study including the international community and Rouhi plan. Nearly 5 years were passed; so that, I was recruited to Bahaism and according to them, I concluded that Bahaullah is right and Bahaism is a transcend creed.
– How did they make you know Bahaism that you accepted to be recruited?
– They misused my weak belief in Imam of the Time (P.H.) and the holy Quran. At first, they made me suspected by bringing several verses and then they reasoned by the Ighan book that the holy prophet Muhammad (P.H.) is the last prophet and a new promised one emerges every one thousand year and Baha is the very one.
– Didn’t you realize by their teachings that the Baha’is consider Baha as God. So, how did you leave the Almighty and accept Baha?
I didn’t accept that Bahaullah is God. I imagined that Baha has been sent by God and God has bestowed this power to him.
– The Baha’is consider Hussein Ali Nouri as God, but the Bahaism organization tampered the Aghdas book in order for the Baha’is not to be accused with atheism and omitted Bahaullah ‘s name in the Aghdas book as God. Have you ever seen the real Aghdas book?
– The Aghdas book shown to me was an Arabic one containing nearly 80 pages. Because I didn’t know Arabic language, I couldn’t study it.
– Not only the Baha’is have deviated the theological books, but also they have deviated the historical ones. which of their historical book have been read by you?
– They spoke about Zanjan and Tabarsi forts events with me and I just read several volumes of historical books including Nabil Zarandi. Of course, they have spoken in favor of themselves.
– Have you ever studied about the 12 principles of Bahaism particularly the issue of removal of all prejudices because Bahaism belies that prejudices are great barriers for creating unity and prosperity of human being, while the Baha’is are bigoted with their beliefs and don’t accept any reasoning. How do you think about bigotry in Bahaism?
– They believed that defending religion and reality is not bigotry and they created this belief in us that each religion needs defending the disciples to advance. Even concerning being bigoted towards mate. They considered being Iranian is the reason for this bigotry. We thought; in the future, these bigotries would be weakened and in next generations the culture would be changed and these bigotries would be removed.
– This is playing with words. The Bahaism organization is bigoted particularly towards Judaism and Israel and this bigotry can’t be separated from the organization. Isn’t this bigotry contradictory with the principle of the removal of kinds of prejudices?
– Well, Bahaism believes that Israel is the holiest and is the most important place in the world because the Baha’i holy places are located there. Also, Palestine has belonged to Baha’is before the establishment of Israel government.
Concerning Baha’ism organization dependence on Israel, they said the suffering period of time of Judaism has finished and Judaism establishes its government next to Acre and Kermel mount due to Bab and Baha, with the rising of Baha’i creed, not only the holy lands will be dismissed out of Muslims properties, but also Israel government will be established by the arrival of the Jewish people. In this way, the existence Bahaism and Judaism is dependent on each other.
– So, why aren’t Baha’i people allowed to live in Israel and are just allowed to remain for several days every eleven years just for pilgrimage?
– Yes, each Baha’i person is allowed to reside in Israel just for 6 to 10 days.
– However, Bahaism organization values Jewish tribe especially Israel very much, but it hasn’t defended the people of Palestine at all?
– That’s right. Bahaism values Jewish tribe very much. Concerning Palestine, they believe these two governments themselves must solve their problems and it is not our task to condemn Israel by war and supporting countries.
-They believe each government must solve the problems of its community. So, why do they meddle with the interior policy of Iran?
– In the meeting where we participated, they perk several problems and dilemmas of each government as great; such as poverty and joblessness. They were saying: poverty is really high in the community and Bahaism organization has new and effective strategies to solve these problems. If Baha’i teachings are executed in the country, we will have an ideal and great country without these problems which are existent in the Islamic society.
– Is there any special plan to recruit Muslims in the organization?
– Yes, the Baha’i people make friend with Muslims and recruit them via direct proselytizing behavior to show their disagreement with Islam first and then they pose some questions to make people doubtful and to weaken them to perform their religious tasks. They perk Bahaism so beautiful that the person believes that Bahaism is right.
– Undoubtedly, Оnе of their aims to recruit Muslims is fulfilling political aims. Here, the slogan of not meddling with policy is meaningless; particularly in elections, the Bahaism organization soured its meddling with policy. What was as one of the embers of the organization?
– No, it wasn’t so. They had just told us to participate at election and vote the reformer you know.
– They insult the religions’ holy things particularly Islam. why?
– I had heard they had insulted in the past. The reason is that they wanted to humiliate Islam and to perk Bahaism as great. Their recent plan is to be accompany with other cult’s in order not to confront against Bahaism to change their course towards Bahaism gradually.
– Have you ever studied the Persian Bayan by Ali Muhammad Bab?
– I had decided to study it several times, but they didn’t get it ready for me and answered: It is related to Bebis not the Baha’is. Bab’s period of time has finished and now is Baha’s.
-To change the world, Bahaism organization has assigned duties for each Baha’i member. What has been your duty?
– First, I must identify trustful people in my co-workers, relatives and friends to speak with them about Bahaism teachings. Then, I must elect prone people among them to teach them the Bahaism teachings by reading books – the Rouhi ones. Thanks God I could make myself get rid of organization traps
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