In addition to the theological rudiments, Bahaism possesses principles for its followers. It seems these principles which have been gathered by the second leader of the Baha’is – Abdul Baha – and proselytized in his trip to Europe and America during the years 1911-1913 A.D. which have been presented to adapt Bahaism with western modernity and to recruit the westerners and are different from Bab and Baha’s teaching in style.
Some of those principles and teachings haven’t been originated from Bahaullah’s thoughts and even been different from his in cases such as the equality between men and women. Now, these principles and teachings are being investigated:
I) The independent investigation of truth:
The independent investigation of truth means being free to find reality. It means that human being must select its belief personally and without being pressured by anybody else. It is an intrinsic matter accepted by all nations and religions.
Islam has also rejected compulsion in accepting religion and continually recommended human beings to think. According to Islamic scholars, religion principles must be searched. They mustn’t be imitated. Consequently, the independent investigation of truth is not a new issue claimed by Bahaism. Although in Bahaism, it is just a slogan to deceive people.
II) There are various examples indicating contradictions in Baha’i leaders’ speech:
“Nobody is allowed to interpret these words… Nobody is allowed to be bullheaded and disagree using this excuse…”[۱]
Also; investigating the biography of those who turned against Bahaism surprisingly reveals the lack of freedom of belief in this community which is claiming for the independent investigation of truth.
III) The oneness of humane world:
One of the other 12 principles of the Baha’is is the oneness of humane world. Although this slogan is pleasant superficially, it is not compatible with wisdom and temperament cos it is impossible for the oneness of tyrant and oppressed, the wounded-knee and the arrogant and the atheist and faithful. Abdul Baha says in this regard: ” Treat with tyrant kindly like the loyal…”[۲]
Shoghi Effendi has also introduced the oneness of humane world as the top of all Baha’i teachings. If oneness of humane world means the removal of all differences and being regardless of color, race, tribe and etc. concerning human beings, it won’t be new. It is also existent in other religions; but it is not existent in Bahaism ; for instance, Abdul Baha insults the black Africans by admiring the American ones:
“For example, what is the difference between the African negroes and the American ones. They are cows in human being face; they are civilized but…”[۳]
IV) Religion must be the source of unity fellowship:
This slogan is originated from pluralism school and indicates that Bahaism is influenced by Modernism, because pluralism is considered as of the principles of modernism. Pluralism theory is originated from western democracy which assumes everything in religion and believes in its freedom. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t believe in religion origin. Posing this slogan, the Baha’i leaders are looking for this issue first to put their claimed religion alongside with other religions and second to perk their so-called religion as modern and up to date.
This principle is right for the divine religions whose aims are preaching slavery and monotheism, but it is not true for the so-called creed, Bahaism which is man-made and invites human beings to itself.
V) Removal of all prejudices:
If prejudices mean insisting on false belief and ignoring the truth, speaking about removal prejudices will be right, but according to Bahaism method which considers its made religion as the best and assumes its divine religion followers as misled, it isn’t relevant. This Abdul Baha’s speech about his father is blind bigotry:
Among the divine prophets, the Excellency Bahaullah’s position is the highest and unique in our time.”[4] Additionally, “the Excellency Bahaullah is the first teacher and the greatest prophet whose great news is famous in regions of the world.”[۵]
Is the position of Baha higher than the great messengers of Allah? Abdul Baha considers religious bigotry as one of barriers of Bahaism and says: “The third great barrier is religious bigotry and avoiding from each other…”[۶]
It seems Abdul Baha wants to put prejudices alongside with religious zeal and make people be indifferent from his beliefs, while he was extremely bigoted with Bahaism and its leader.
VI) The necessity for creating kindness and affection by religion:
One of the aims of the divine prophets is removal differences of human being and creating friendship among people in order for human being to achieve perfection and rise. If religion preaches war and enmity instead of kindness and affection, it must be suspected in its legitimacy point of view. According to Abdul Baha: “So, if religion itself causes differences, and separation instead of healing differences, irreligion will be better.”[۷]
However, this beautiful slogan must be tested in Bahaism. The history of Babism and Bahaism is full of enmity, riot, irreligion, killing and massacre and at the present time, the main center of it is located in Palestine country under the shadow of the most ruthless regime of the world.
Various cases of this enmity and bloodshed are as follows: The Babis riots in Tabriz, Mazandaran, Zanjan and etc.; the massacre of people participated by Baha’i leader, the martyrdom of Ayatollah Baraghani by the Babis due to his disagreement with Sheikh Ahmad Elsaee, the aborted assassination of Nasser al-Din Shah; Babi’s fighting over acquiring the title of the one whom God will manifest; Baha and Azel’s fighting and also the Baha’is and Azalis’ ones….
VII) The necessity for conformity between wisdom and science and religion:
Concerning this principle, Abdul Baha writes: “One of teachings of Bahaullah is that religion must be in conformity with science and wisdom in order to be influential on hearts.”[۸]
What Bahaism says about the conformity between science and religion is providing facilities for the western science on Islamic communities and negation of imitation in the religion of Shia, otherwise many commandments of the deviant cult of Bahaism aren’t in conformity with science and wisdom. For example; contrary to the views of all chemists and geologists, Bahaullah believes that after passing seventy years, cupper will be changed into gold! [9]
VIII) General Education:
Concerning public and general education, Abdul Baha says:
“Educating the public is necessary and the oneness of principles and rules are more essential in order for unique education for all human beings; that is, education must be the same in all world schools…”[۱۰]
The necessity for general education is right, for but is it necessary for all human being to be educated in the same manner?!”
IX) The equality between men and women:
The equality between men and women are of the slogans of Abdul Baha and isn’t in accordance with Bahaullah because according to Baha’s texts, he believes in superiority of men to women intrinsically. In the book Aghdas, he says:
“We put the residential house and the special cloths of the dead person for the male offspring and the other people and the female ones aren’t right…”[۱۱]
X) General handwriting and language:
Abdul Baha says: “The 9th teaching of the Excellency Bahaullah is the oneness of language. A language must be created in order for all academies to be accepted; that is, an international congress must be formed participated by the representatives of all nations to speak and consult and to accept that language formally. Then, it must be taught in all world schools; because this public language is of the means for the unity of the world…”[12]
Baha’i leaders’ works and writings are in Arabic and Persian languages. Posing this principle, they are going to destroy the Iranian culture completely and because they have a universal claim, they are stressing on the common language.
XI) Balancing Economy:
Abdul Baha says concerning this principle: “One of the principles of Bahaullah is balancing livelihood… Reforming livelihood is necessary for human being not equality cos equality is impossible…”[13]
How can the deviant cult of Bahaism is claiming for balancing economy while it prescribes usury and modern gambling to earn money.[14]
XII) Not meddling with policy:
The deviant cult of Bahaism has been formed in a political field supported by the colonial powers. Its Leader confesses: “… When the oppressed got free from the prison, we headed off towards Iraq along with the servants from Iran and Russia.
To cleanse his black past and remove people’s sensitivity, he calls people not to meddle with policy which is the very western secularism and the separation of religion from policy.
The Baha’i leaders and followers of the cult must be asked: Isn’t supported by Russia and making him making free a political issue?!!! Isn’t the bond between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime and supporting it openly a political issue?!!!
Source: The recognition of the Baha’ism movement in contemporary Iran intellectually and culturally, pp. 96-109.
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[۱] Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the seven days, Tehran: the national institute of the faith press, pp. 483-484.
[۲] Abbas Effendi, Makatib collection, p. 160.
[۳] Abbas Effendi, Sermons, Egypt, 1991 A.D. p. 119.
[۴] J.E. Esslement, Bahaullah and the new era, Haifa, 1932 A.D., P. 147.
[۵] Ibid, p. 149.
[۶] Ibid, p. 148.
[۷] Some excerpts from Abdul Baha’s writings, Germany, 1992 A.D., vol. 1, p.241.
[۸] Asadullah Fadhel Mazandarani, Amr & Khalgh epistle, Ibid, vol. 4, p. 331.
[۹] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Ighan, p. 104, paragraph 165.
[۱۰] Asadullah Fadhel Mazandarani, the history of the right emergence, Tehran, Vol. 8, part 2, PP. 331 & 332.
[۱۱] Abdul Hamid Ishragh Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, ibid p.125.
[۱۲] Asadullah Fadhel Mazandarani, Amr & Khalgh epistle, p. 332.
[۱۳] Asadullah Fadhel Mazandarani, Amr & Khalgh epistle, p.243.
[۱۴] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Blessed Tablet to sheikh Muhammad Taghi Mojtahed Isfahani, p. 17.