I have closely studied the Baha’i Faith for the past many years, and repeatedly noticed that the Baha’is have a proclivity to leverage anything to their interest, regardless of howsoever it may be unrelated to the Faith. In this article I intend to bring to you one such Baha’i gimmick – Number 19.
The Baha’i community has a special affinity for this number – ۱۹-day month, 19-month year, 19 Apostles of Bahaullah, 19 in financial matters, annual 19-day fast, and the list can go on. The Baha’i penchant for number 19 originates from Bab. I would like to reiterate, and once again – the entire edifice of the Baha’i faith is founded on Bab –if there is no Bab there is no Bahaullah. In other words, Bahaullah has nowhere to fallback other than Bab and when Bab is exposed, the falsehood of Baha’i faith is a natural corollary.
Number 19 is a subject of interest for mathematicians and has a history particularly in Greek mythology. To our point, the Babis/Baha’is emphasize on the noticeable presence of number 19 in the Holy Quran. The Quranic verse of interest to the Babis/Baha’is is Surah Tahrim: Verse 30-31 which speaks of the warden angels hell.
The Almighty God declares in the Holy Quran, “Over it are nineteen. We have appointed only ˹stern˺ angels as wardens of the Fire. And We have made their number only as a test for the disbelievers…” This they declare is a proof of Bab’s claim. Furthermore, Bab has 19 Letters of Living, introduced the Badi (19 day-19 month) calendar, etc.
While I will refute their ludicrous argument – which implies if someone changes his/her name to Allah, he/she will become God; I choose not to explain the Quranic verse which by far does not coincide with the Babi/Baha’i interpretation.
You will often hear that in the Holy Quran there is a prolific occurrence of the number 19. Like for instance the Holy Quran has 114 chapters (19 x 6) and the word Bismillah (itself constituting 19 alphabets) also appears 114 (19 x 6) times in this last divine dispensation. There are multitude of such examples, in addition to more Abjad and numerical calculations, which are neither emphasized in the Sunnah nor by the Muslims at large.
It is primarily the Babis/Bahais who leverage the presence of number 19 in the Holy Quran. While, in fact, they should, instead of using Quranic verses for meaningless interpretations, try to demonstrate something similar from their own books, if they deem it so meaningful. Such an exercise would also examine if the Babi/Baha’i ideas have any meaning or are they just an eyewash.
Let us examine Bab’s book the ‘Bayaan.’ (Also see my article on Bayaan – Proof of Bab’s lies). Bab had declared that the Arabic and Persian Bayaan would comprise nineteen units (vahids) of nineteen chapters (babs) each. Seemingly, the number-19 is very forthcoming in Bab’s primary work. But interestingly, Bab died and the book remained incomplete – he wrote only 11 units of 19 chapters of Arabic Bayaan and 9 units of 19 chapters (except for the last unit which had only 10 chapters). So the number 19 magic fell flat on its face as far as Bab and his Bayaan is concerned.
Further, Arabic Bayaan constitutes approximately 420 verses or 700 lines and the Persian Bayan consists of about 8,000 verses or 6,000 lines. Can someone show me the number 19?
This is enough to prove the hollowness of the Baha’i faith as well – no Bab, no Bahaullah; yet, I would urge the Baha’is to look for number 19 in Iqan and Aqdas as well. The Baha’i books have no such miracle in their own books and literature.
It is so convenient to take something from the Holy Quran and twist it to suit one’s own agenda. But then God exposes such false impostors when it’s their turn to perform. The Babis and Baha’is should with an open mind think independently and see these manipulations rather than be entrapped by half-truths and specious statements they are told.
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