کد خبر:15591

The Baha’is attempt in increasing population

      population issue is an influential factor in forming political and economic powers of societies and countries. During history, population growth in a tribe, city and country has meant more power of the rulers of that region. For this reason, the increase in population and social groups in a region makes the way of power […]

      population issue is an influential factor in forming political and economic powers of societies and countries. During history, population growth in a tribe, city and country has meant more power of the rulers of that region. For this reason, the increase in population and social groups in a region makes the way of power influence easy and fast. Nowadays, the features of population growth in the country statistics and international communities’ census are defined by the following cases: 1) Quality 2) Ability 3) Capability.

      After the victory of Islamic Revolution, there wasn’t any place for the misleading advertisements of the misted organization of Bahaism to continue, so a group of Baha’is turned to Islam and some escaped and several Baha’is continued obeying the creed.

      Those who remained in Iran behaved and decided to continue reproducing and increasing population. Their aims were as follows:

      I) Adding the population of Bahaism cult to take more privileges

      II) Not to be isolated due to having less population in cities and villages.

      III) Creating facilities to increase its political activities. [1]

      Anyway, Bahaism organization used both two weapons:

      I) Trying to show its population more than what it is.

      II) It has tried not to regulate the issue of controlling population even when it followed this policy in the countries particularly in Iran.

      Because using these two weapons can bring power for them and also can be assumed as a pretext for various economic and political exploitation.



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[۱] The cultural and social bulletin, No. 106, p. 28 and also No. 108, pp. 44-45.

Bahaism in Iran
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