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Bahaism and policy in the second Pahlavi era – The role of Bahaism in repressing of the movement of 15th of Khordad

Bahaism and policy in the second Pahlavi era – The role of Bahaism in repressing of the movement of 15th of Khordad 1342 S.H

      Bahaism had gained power in political domain and structure of Iran particularly late 1330s. In addition to gain key posts, it was planning and performing regime’s plans. The clear example of the political activity of the Baha’is during this period of time can be observed in events and issues such as passing the bill […]

      Bahaism had gained power in political domain and structure of Iran particularly late 1330s. In addition to gain key posts, it was planning and performing regime’s plans. The clear example of the political activity of the Baha’is during this period of time can be observed in events and issues such as passing the bill of Eyalati and Velayati associations, repressing 15th of khordad movement, gaining the power of governments since 1340s on, the establishment of progressed coterie and the modern party of Iran…


 Passing Eyalati and Valayati associations bill:

      This bill can be assumed as the symbol of the creeping movement the Baha’is helped by the western supporters to change the cultural, theological and social structure of Iran; but after being passed, it was abolished by Imam Khomeini (P.H.).

      The abolishment of this bill was of the important phrases of Imam’s (P.H.) campaign against Pahlavi government and Bahaism.

      Eyalati and Velayati associations bill was another stage of terrestrial reforms passed in in 1340 when the Shah made its decision on Farvardin 1341 S.H. after taking a trip to America. This bill was passed by Amir Assadullah Alam’s cabinet on Mehr 14, 1341 S.H. According to the bill, women were allowed to vote and swearing by the holy Quran and being Muslim were omitted and people could swear by each heavenly book.

      Revealing the ominous nature of the bill by Imam Khomeini (P.H.) and his resistance caused the government to cancel the bill.


      ۱۵th of Khordad rising

      ۱۵th of Khordad is a turning point in the history of Iranian nation which ended in the victory of the Islamic Revolution and was the forerunner of overthrowing the Pahlavi regime. This movement was originated from revolution referendum on Bahman 6, 1341 S.H. and also from the event when in Spring 1342 S.H. two thousand male and female Baha’is went to London helped by the Iranian government to participate at the election of the universal house of justice on Ordibehesht, 8.

      This measure was opposed by Imam Khomeini (P.H.) and caused tension between Imam and the government. This tension was intensified on Khordad 6, 1342 S.H. On 13th and 15th of Khordad, 1342 a large number of clergymen were arrested and on 15th of Khordad, 1342 the regime agents rushed into Imam’s house, arrested and imprisoned him in Tehran.

      The people of Tehran, Qom and other cities demonstrated to oppose and armed forces of the regime killed many people.

      The important note of this event was the Baha’is role in repressing people: “۵ days after 15th of Khordad movement, the national assembly of Baha’is of Tehran wrote a letter to general Khosrawani and called people’s rising as the aggression rascals and villains and acknowledged general’s services.”[۱]


      The Baha’is and gaining the power of government:

      The 10-year plan of the Baha’is which had been started since 1332 ended in 1342 and the 9-year plan was immediately started. By repressing 15th of Khordad movement and Imam Khomeini’s (P.H.) detention, the most important barrier of this colonial organization to achieve dominance on Iran was according to them omitted.

      The influence of the Baha’s in political structure of Iran continued to the year 1357 S.H when the victory of the Islamic Revolution put an end to it.

      Concerning Hoveyda some, he people say he was laic and some say he was a Baha’i.

      Fadhel Mazandarani, one of the Baha’i historian writes about Hoveyda’s Baha’i descendants:

      “… Mr. Muhammad Reza Qannad [Hoveyda’s grandfather) was one of the direct sincere disciples of the Excellency to the end of his lifetime. His grave is in Acre and his son Mirza Habibullah Einul Molk (Hoveyda’s father) who was educated by the Excellency [Abdul Baha] became the writer of the Excellency due to his good handwriting…”

      Hovayda’s long period of time of being the prime minister was impossible without supporting Zionism. According to Imam Khomeini (P.H.), Zionism movement appeared in Iran in the form of Baha’i party and the Baha’is gained important key ports in the government to become the agents of Zionism. By the expansion of the influence of the Baha’is in government and army, Shah became the fall guy of them, too.


      The Baha’is in economic domain:

      The Baha’is were influential extensively in economy domain and some top capitalists of the country such as Hojabr Yazdani and Sabet Passal were Baha’is. Importing American goods, running Coca-Cola factory and General Tire company, running TV. station cooperated by R.C.A American company were of Habib Sabet Passal’s economic activities.


[۱] Seyyed Hamid Rowhani, Imam Khomeini’s movement, Tehran, Orouj, , 1381 S.H., Vol. 1, p. 1516, doc. No. 226.


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