کد خبر:1684
بهائیت و اسرائیل

Israeli’s belligerence and murder and refraining from a position of condemnation by the Baha’ism organization

During the last month and despite of the struggles of the United Nations’ lords, several resolutions were issued to condemn the occupying regime of Gods. Of course, the Zionistic regime of Israel have been condemned several times by the international organizations and its related foundations and the organizations in the region such as the Islamic […]

During the last month and despite of the struggles of the United Nations’ lords, several resolutions were issued to condemn the occupying regime of Gods. Of course, the Zionistic regime of Israel have been condemned several times by the international organizations and its related foundations and the organizations in the region such as the Islamic countries, but the Baha’ism organization hasn’t condemned it yet. However, the Baha’ism organization is shouting the slogan of general peace. Of course, one of the signs of cooperation and unity between the Zionistic regime and the Baha’ism is supporting the belligerent policies of the kid-killer regime of Israel by Baha’ism.

Consequently, the meaningful silence of the Baha’ism cult concerning the belligerent policies of Israel is Sabra, Shatila and Qana crimes and kids, women and old men and women’s massacre, destroying mosques, schools and the centers supervised by the United Nations are of the other sign of this deep bond.

However, not only the Baha’is have not condemned the belligerent policies of the Zionists and haven’t opposed at all, but also c\according to SAVAK documents the Baha’is have sent 120 million tumans to the Israeli army during the war in  ۱۲۶۷ A.D.[1]

While Baha’ism has proceeded its proselytizing activities by posing the universal peace slogan[2], is there any harmony between helping the Zionist regime of Israel financially and prohibiting each kind of war according to the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism[3]?!

[۱] The faith news magazine, No. 10, p. 601; Jawad Mansouri, the history of 15th of Khordad movement, narrated by the documents, Tehran: the center for the Islamic Revolution documents, 1st edition, 1378 S.H., No. 96.2.

[۲] Refer to Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany, the national assembly of publishing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 127 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 150.

[۳] Refer to Abdul Hamid Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, the electronic copy, p. 271.

Bahaism in Iran
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