کد خبر:2980

A glance atgthe principle of the equality of the rights between men and women in Baha’ism

Concerning the issue of the equality between men and women rights, the Baha’ism eaplain: “Like men, women possess the talent for gaining sciences and progress in knowledge and art. If apparently women ar ebackwarded comparing men, the reason will be that women have been paid attention less than men. As a matter of fact, women […]

Concerning the issue of the equality between men and women rights, the Baha’ism eaplain: “Like men, women possess the talent for gaining sciences and progress in knowledge and art. If apparently women ar ebackwarded comparing men, the reason will be that women have been paid attention less than men. As a matter of fact, women today are the products of being deprived of education for centuries.’ (Familiarity with the Baha’i faith, the national institute of the faith press, Badi’a 13)

Also it is said that: “To prove women, it is enough to be said that in recent years when community has gained relative freedoms, some of them have proceeded some men. So, God hasn’t created them differently concerning talent, intelligent and personality. (Ibid)

In this regard, Abdul Baha says:

“According to God, there isnt any difference between men and women. A person who possesses brighter heart is closer to God. A person who is more faithful, his actions will be accepted more.” (Ashraf Faramarz, a collection Baha’i faith materials in brief, national institute of the faith press, 131 Badi’a)

“According to this education, the membership and serving in the organization the right for electing and being elected are the same and also so in marriage, divorce, the age of maturity, heritage and etc. (Ibid)

On the other side, the Baha’is believe that rights and duties mustn’t be mistakened and they assume that if the equality is establishing, the basis of family which is based on experienced mistress of the house will be shaked and if women don’t meddle with setting family and interior affairs, great difference will be created in the humane coomunity. Because a great difference exists between duty and right additionally, belief isnt related to the equality of rights and the equality of duty.

The criticism of the principle of the equality between men and women:

Men and women’s rights have been interpreted in the holy Quran. The holy Quran says:


“يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً  وَاتَّقُوا اللَّه”(نساء/۱)

“O’ mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spreat aboard a multitude of men and women…” (Al-Nisa/1)


It also stated:

“فَوَسْوَسَ لَهُمَا الشَّيْطَانُ” (اعراف/۲۰)

“Then Satan whispered to them…” (Al-Aa’raf/20)


“قَد لَاُهُما بِغُرُورٍ”

“Satan guided both of them to deceit”


Women are the same as men concerning the spiritual positions.

Islam never considers woman as the forerunner of men’s creation and the holy Quran states: Both men and women have been created for each other.”


In brief, men and women are human beings and possess the same rights according to Islam, but due to sexual differences and the physical ones, they arent the same. For this reason, they arent the same concerning many right, duties and punishments.

Violating the principle of the equality of men and women in the Baha’I texts:

Claming for the equality between men and women is being posed as a developed principle while every part of the commandments of the deviant cult of Baha’ism is based on discrimination and the lack of equality between men and women. For example:

  • The lack of the presence of women in the leadership of Baha’ism: How do the Baha’is consider women’s participation in managing the world as the condition of development and establishing peace while they have prohibited women’s presence in the highest managerial offices:

“اما بیت العدل بنصوص قاطعه فی شریعه الله اختص بالرجال حکمه من عندالله و سیظهرهذه الحکمه کظهور الشمس فی رابعه النهار(عباس افندی)”

Abbas Effendi: “The Universal House of Justice is specially men’s based on the existent definite texts. This is a wisdom from God and this wisdom will be manifested in the middle the sky like the sun.” (Abbas Effendi, some exerpts from Makatib by the Excellency Abdul Baha, the electronic copy, Vol. 1, No, 38, p. 77)

Consequently, how can Baha’ism shout the slogan of the equality between men and women and consider it as the pre-requisit of expanding peace and development while it can’t accept the presence of women in its highest managerial positions

  • The Baha’ism proselytizers and representatives consider the necessity for the equality between men and women as a rality concerning the human nature while the social equality is in fact a tyrany against both sexes, men and women. Because the differences between men and women in various aspects are an intrinsic issue confessed by all scientistists. (Motahhari, Morteza, the system of women’s rights in Islam, Qom: Sadra publishing house, 14th edition, 1369, p. 202)

The difference in the extent of men and women’s heritage shares is one of the most important cases violating the perfect equality of men and women’s rights in Baha’ism cult. According to Baha’ism leaders’ order, the heritage shares are as follows: “Father: 5.5 share, Mother: 5.4 shares, Brother: 5.3 shares, sister: 5.2 shares.” (Yazdani, Ahmad, a brief glance at Baha’i faith, Bija: Bita, p. 47). Even, the residential house is inherited by theelder offspring and the other offspring are deprived of it:

“وجعلنا الدار المسکنه و الالبسه المخصوصه الذریه من الذکران دون الاناث والوارث انه لهو المعطی الفیاض”

“And we assigned the residential house and special cloths of the deceased person to the male elder offspring; not to danghter and survivor members. Surely, God is beneficent and bounteous.” (Nouri, Hussein Ali,the Aqdas, Bija, Bina, Bita, p. 60)



Bahaism in Iran
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