کد خبر:3022

Abdul Baha: America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 3) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting it. […]

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 3)

While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting it. The Baha’ism organization is trying to exploit this game using the Baha’i assemblies based on various places. For this reason, we are investigating the position and the viewpoint of the so-called leader of the deviant cult.

In his speech in America, the second leader of Baha’ism Abdul Baha introduced America as the pacifist and claimed that no country is able to make peace except America. Yes, the people of the world saw that Abdul Baha’s prediction didn’t come true and America bestowed its atomic bombs as gifts to the people of the world and also as the peace and friendship message and killed hundreds of thousands people!

However, the main point is that after these years and in current circumstances can America be considered as a noble nation and the pioneer of peace?

Apparently, the Excellency Abdul Baha hadn’t predicted World War I and II and the bloody wars of Vietnam and the massacre of Japanese people by the American atomic bombs. In the next circumstances, the Baha’ism organization doesn’t observe the war created by the Americans in the Middle East by attacking to Iraq and making the terroristic and criminal subgroup ISIS and supporting the so-called Arabic coalition headed by the Saudi Arabia and the violent crimes of it in Yemen.

Of course, they don’t follow the crimes of the kid killer regime of Israel supported by America. Can the terroristic regime of America be considered as noble and pacifist?!

Addressing the terroristic regime of America as noble and pacifist in the current political atmosphere is similar to a joke. The leaders of the Baha’ism cult are always praying for the tyrants of the world contrary to the character sketch of the divine religions and peaceable slogans. So; in one of his speech in November, 1912 A.D. in Cincinnati city, Ohio state, he expressed: “America is a noble nation and the pioneer of peace in the world. It emits light to all horizons. There is no nation like America in freedom, wisdom and good will. Other nations can’t establish the general peace but thanks God America is at peace with the whole world and deserves to raise the banner of brotherhood and international peace.[1]

The second leader of Baha’ism has also promised: “However, it is certain that the American nation and government aren’t going to make other nations as their Colonies and to expand its country and it isn’t also going to attack other nations and countries.[2]

Undoubtedly, these speech were said to deceive the American people or to intrigue the sense of patriotism or to indicate the depth of Abdul Baha’s ignorance concerning his nearby issues and the lack of divine science.



It is interesting to be known that in 1912 A.D. that is the very year Abdul Baha had said these words, America was engaged with one of the most unjust wars with its neighbors the south America; but contrary to Abdul Baha’s claim these wars had been done to usurp nations wealth not to establish peace. As one of the American Generals called Smedley Butler describes these wars so:

“I spent 33 years and 4 month for the military activity. I played a role in whole this period of time as a high ranking guard for the great commercial institutions, Wallstreet and banks. I helped Mexico and Tampico be changed into a secure place for the oil interests of America in 1914 A.D. I helped Haiti and Cuba be changed into a secure place for the city bank profitability I helped 6 central American countries be infringed to provide benefits of Wall Street. I helped Nicaragua to be reposed for the Brown brothers international bank in 1902-1912 A.D. In 1916 A.D. I revealed the importance of Dominican Republic for the benefits of the American sugar industry. In 1903 A.D., I made Honduras a suitable place for the American fruit companies. In 1927 A.D., I helped Standard Oil company be active in China without having any inconvenience.[3]


On the other side, Abdul Baha’s prediction concerning not attacking America to other countries wasn’t accurate; so that, America became one of most violent and belligerent states in the world. It was directly or indirectly involved in hundreds of wars, conflicts and coups across the world. Yes, from occupying Haiti (1915-1934 A.D) and Dominican Republic (1916-1924 A.D.) to World War I (1917-1918 A.D.). From World War II (1941-1945 A.D.) to Vietnam, Bolivia, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and … are all indicating the lack of prediction fulfillment by Abdul Baha! Nevertheless, how is it possible for America to be the pioneer for peace in the world while it has created wars and conflicts which have caused millions of people to be killed across the world[4]?!


[۱] J.E, Esselment, Bahaullah and the new era, translated by: Rahimi, Elahi, Soleimani, Brazil: Manshourat Darul Nashr Al-Bahaiyeh, 1988 A.D., p. 271.

[۲] Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany: The national assembly of publishing the faith works in Persian and Arabic languages, 127 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 59.

[۳] Narrated by the site: http://en.wikipquote.org/wiki/S,edley_Buttle

[۴] J.E, Esselment, Bahaullah and the new era, translated by: Rahimi, Elahi, Soleimani, Brazil: Manshourat Darul Nashr Al-Bahaiyeh, 1988 A.D., p. 271.

Bahaism in Iran
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