کد خبر:3082

Why do we know Baha’ism as a really English cult?

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 7) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting […]

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 7)

While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a new proselytizing strategy excusing the commemorating the 100th death anniversary of Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi) after the failure of “Iran without hate” project and forgetting it. The Baha’ism organization is trying to exploit this game using the Baha’i assemblies based on various places. For this reason, we are investigating the position and the viewpoint of the so-called leader of the deviant cult.

The British movements have been done in the following cases in this regard. It makes movement secretly. Such as the intelligent service movements which are hidden. The other one is the report papers of the groups. For instance, when Hussein Ali Baha presents the plan for Naseruddin Shah’s assassination and the Babis are being exiled from Iran to Iraq, Mirza Melkom Khan, an Armenian person, meets them in Redhvan garden, Baqdad city.

On the other side, Manecjki Limji Hataria the agent of the British intelligent service who has come to Iran as a Zoroastrian person residing in India and have extensive relationships with Naseruddin Shah and various political people meets Hussein Ali Baha and Yahya Sobhi Azal, but he gets lost for two years after the meeting.

Apparently, he has quarreled, but the Baha’is themselves say he had been worshipping in Soleimanieh mounts. However; after that; both brothers are claiming for being the continuation of Bab. Consequently, Hussein Ali Baha are being sent to Palestine, Acre and Yahya Sobhi Azal is being sent to Cyprus where is influenced by the British troops.

During this period of time, Edward Granville Browne, one of the professional spies of England is speaking with Hussein Ali Baha for 17 days and will Yahya Sobhi Azal for 15 days, but he doesn’t write at all what it was about. Then, Browne writes the book “Noqtatul Kaff” in this regard and asks Muhammad Qazvini to write an introduction for it in detail. Then, he defends Babis in England. We should pay attention to the relationships among these people.

The other note is that: Why is the Excellency Abbas Effendi bestowed the Sir medal after the victory of the British troops and the Ottoman troops’ failure. According to history, the medal was being bestowed to those who had done merited services for England.

Bahaism in Iran
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