کد خبر:3151

What does Ahmad Rouhi say writing the book “The eight heavens”? Presenting a clear contradiction in the Babism and Baha’ism leaders’ claim and action

The deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism which are the products of the thoughts of the employees of the impure British government for creating division and disunity among Muslims specially the Shias. After being created, this cult betrayed the Muslim people of Iran very much including killing Amir the great, Mirza Kouchak Khan Jangali, the […]

The deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism which are the products of the thoughts of the employees of the impure British government for creating division and disunity among Muslims specially the Shias.

After being created, this cult betrayed the Muslim people of Iran very much including killing Amir the great, Mirza Kouchak Khan Jangali, the massacre of 15 of Khordad, 1342 and trying to form the usurp Israel, not being present in 8-year war, spying for aliens, being present at 1388 sedition and making Imam Hussein’s (P.H.) flag in 1388 Ashoora, pretending to be oppressed, complaining in the international assemblies, false claims of human rights and etc. most interestingly, being supported by the Zionistic regime of Israel.

Although this group and the Baha’i one were proselytizing and seizing the Iranian lands and properties during Pahlavi regime especially when a Baha’i person called Hoveyda was the prime minister of Iran, but they weren’t successful due to the presence of alert scholar led by Imam Khomeini (P.H.)

Surprisingly; in Kerman province, a group of Babis and Baha’is have influenced on the governmental organizations and set up panels including the photos of the leaders of these cults in the center of Kerman city including a big town near martyr Bahonar University and Payam Noor one where the majority of Baha’i and Azali followers were living. Also, the name of Hasht Behesht “the 8 heavens” have been carved and written at streets, alleys, supermarkets and barbershops. Eight heavens is the name of the book written by Sheikh Ahmad Rouhi.

Also, Sheikh Ahmad Rouhi’s house has been bought by a group of Babis in Kerman city in order to be used in the future.

Unfortunately, the proselytizing activities of this group of Baha’is has increased in the cities of southern Kerman especially in Jiroft and Anbar Abad in the form of heating and cooling services whose documents of their proselytizing in villages are available and ready to be published by the name of servicing to the poor and spying and their relationships with the Zionistic regime of Israel.

Sheikh Ahmad Rouhi, the author of the book “Hasht Ketab”, was Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal’s groom Sobhi Azal was the formal successor of Ali Muhammad Bab who became the leader of Babism according to Bab’s will Yahya was the younger brother of Hussein Ali Baha whose followers are called the Azalis.


Bahaism in Iran
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