کد خبر:3506

Contradiction: The evidence suggest otherwise

In an article for the centenary of Abdul Baha’s trip to America, the Baha’ism organization introduced him as the first Iranian supporter of love of freedom and the defender of women’s and the black people’s rights. As if the leaders and proselytizers of Baha’ism have forgotten Abdul Baha’s statement: “They (the black Africans) are God’s […]

In an article for the centenary of Abdul Baha’s trip to America, the Baha’ism organization introduced him as the first Iranian supporter of love of freedom and the defender of women’s and the black people’s rights. As if the leaders and proselytizers of Baha’ism have forgotten Abdul Baha’s statement: “They (the black Africans) are God’s creatures in human faces. Abdul Baha has also confronted the movement of constitutionalism and called the female gender inferior to male one and introduced the black Africans having animal savage and ignorant creature.

On the occasion of the centenary of Abdul Baha’s trip to America, the Baha’i networks published messages to introduce him as the first Iranian supporting freedom and asking for the constitutionalism and defending the rights of women and the black people in America.

Consequently, one of the Baha’i authors considered the cognition of our country history better to be dependent on the historical investigation of the prominent Babi and Baha’i people lives and characters. He continued to claim that the Babi and Baha’i characters are making a part of our history in a period of time which is the forerunner of the greatest political and special transformation of the previous century; that is the constitutionalism revolution… .” The Baha’i author continued: The Baha’ism leader is the defender of equality and the supporter of woman and black people’s rights. He claimed for playing role by Abdul Baha in administering the black people’s rights.[1]

However, the Baha’i organization have proselytized several times so far using the excuse of occasional dates such as the bicentenary of Bab and Baha’s birthday. Now, it has claimed for three freedom loving consequences of the second leader of Baha’ism in his trip to America. Now, we are investigating and criticizing them:

۱- Contrary to implanting the Baha’ism organization concerning making forerunner for supporting freedom and asking for constitutionalism followed in the trip to America by Abdul Baha, the members of the cult confronted the constitutionalism movement ordered by Abdul Baha to penetrate into Qajar court to such an extent that according to Abdul Hussein Ayati (the former author and proselytizer of Abdul Baha), this Baha’i leader of Baha’ism ordered to send his political book to Ahmad Shah after obstractionism in the constitutionalism movement for Baqerov to make the king understand that we the Baha’is are asking for despotism…[۲]

۲- One of the other achievements of Abdul Baha in this trip is defending women’s rights and emphasizing on the equality between men and women by the Baha’i leader. Nevertheless, can a cult which has enacted unequal commandments in men and women heritage[3]or considered being present in the highest foundation of decision making as aliocated by men[4] and basically assumed women as inferior to men be the herald and defender of the slogan of men and women equality[5]?!

۳- One of Abdul Baha’s achievements and attempts in the trip to America is introduced as defending the black people’s rights and the racial equality while; in Abdul Baha’s thoughts and speech, the black Africans are considered to possess animal, savage, ignorant and uncivilized creature. As he has said: “The African people are in lack of knowledge like savage animals and all of them are wild. There isn’t any civilized and knowledgeable person among them[6].

۴- Abdul Baha has also stated: “For example, what is the difference between the American and African black people. The black Africans are cows created by God in humane faces. [7]


[۱] Narrated by the Baha’i organization sites.

[۲] Abdul Hussein Ayati, Kashful Hiyal (3 volumes)

[۳] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, The Aqdas, the electronic copy, p. 23, paragraph 25.

[۴] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the treasury of limitations and commandments, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 134 BAdi’a, p. 219.

[۵] Refer to Ahmad Zarqani, Badayeul Athar, the electronic copy, Vol. 1, p. 153.

[۶] Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: Kurdistan-al-Elmiyeh, 1910 A.D., Vol. 1, p. 153.

[۷] Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany: The national assembly of publishing the faith works, Bita, Vol. 3, p. 48.

کلیدواژه : contradictionevidencesuggest
Bahaism in Iran
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