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The Baha’i commandments-part 40

The Baha’i commandments of marriage and divorce According to the order by “Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri” in the book Aqdas, The amount of dowry for citizens is 19 methqals of gold and for peasants is 19 methqals of silver. According to Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi, the Baha’is are obliged to have a wife[1]. Why […]

The Baha’i commandments of marriage and divorce

According to the order by “Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri” in the book Aqdas, The amount of dowry for citizens is 19 methqals of gold and for peasants is 19 methqals of silver.

According to Abdul Baha and Shoghi Effendi, the Baha’is are obliged to have a wife[1]. Why aren’t there such commandment in the Aqdas and having two wives at the same times is allowable[2]. At least, the names of three wives have been recorded for Baha in the historical books.[3]

Imitating Abdul Baha, Shoqi has forbidden the Baha’is to remarry and said this commandment is conditionally impossible; while there isn’t any commandment for it in the book Aqdas. According to paragraph 63 of the book Aqdas:


“ايّاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الأثنتين و الّذي اقتنع بواحدة من الأمآء استراحت نفسه و نفسها”

“Avoid having more than two wives. A person who is content with one wife, he has asked for comfort for his wife and himself.”


In the tablet Messiah Rothenberg, Abdul Baha says: According to the book Aqdas text one wife is ordered to be gotten married since it is impossible conditionally.

It is said in the sage David: “Concerning the number of wives… I say justice has been conditioned in the number of wives. As long as a person becomes certain for performing justice and becomes tranquil for the fulfillment of justice won’t remarry. When he becomes certain for justice, he can remarry.[4]

Abdul Baha wants to confiscate what has been said about justice among wives in the holy Quran by the name of Baha’ism divorce in Baha’ism.

Although the Ibrahimi religion have considered divorce as a hateful issue, but at last it is the issue whose necessity in undeniable. It is the duty of the religion lords to send down and issue the commandments which are in accordance with the couples’ rights using valid divine texts of their creed prophet. Now, pay attention to this Baha’i commandment. Baha says in the Aqdas: If a displeasure happens between a man and a woman, the man can’t divorce and he must wait for a year. After a year, he can divorce her. According to Baha’ism, a woman can be divorced for 19 times, then their marriage will be illegitimate forever.


[۱] The treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 176.

[۲] The Aqdas, paragraph 63.

[۳] Muhammad Ali Malek Khosrawi Nouri, the light land, Lojneh publications, approved by the faith compilation, 1337 S.H., p. 253

[۴] The treasury of limitations and commandments, p. 176.

Bahaism in Iran
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