کد خبر:4278

Baha’ism and the emergence issue

The Day of Judgment and rising of Imam of the Time (P.H.) in the Baha’i documents Citing their weak documents, the Baha’i proselytizers are introducing the promised Day of Judgment and rising of Imam of the Time (P.H.) as the same in order to justify their claimant’s religion making; while numerous verses are violating the […]

The Day of Judgment and rising of Imam of the Time (P.H.) in the Baha’i documents

Citing their weak documents, the Baha’i proselytizers are introducing the promised Day of Judgment and rising of Imam of the Time (P.H.) as the same in order to justify their claimant’s religion making; while numerous verses are violating the Baha’is claim. According to verses and narrations, the emergence of the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) before the Day of Judgment and the promised physical Day of Judgment of is the end of the world.

The Baha’is consider the promised day of judgment of Islam and the emergence of Mahdism claim and the prophethood of Ali Muhammad Shirazi as the same and introduce the day of judgment as the day of Imam of the Time’s (P.H.) rising citing a tradition by Imam Sadeq (P.H.) in order to justify their claimant of Mahdim’s claim. As we read: “According to Imam Sadeq (P.H.) the day of judgment and the rising and emergence of Imam of the Time (P.H.) are the same.


“”عن جابر عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام في قول الله تعالى: (وَاللَّيْلِ إِذا يَغْشى) قال: دولة إبليس إلى يوم القيامة و هو يوم قيام القائم (وَالنَّهارِ إِذا تَجَلَّى) وهو القائم إذا قام[۱]

Jaber narrates from Abi Abdullah (P.H.) who stated the Quranic verseوَاللَّيْلِ إِذا يَغْشى means the government of Satan and its government which is continued to the day of judgment that is the day of rising of imam of the Time (P.H.) and the verse وَالنَّهارِ إِذا تَجَلَّى means the day when Imam of the Time (P.H.) emerges.[2]



The Day of Judgment stated so much by the holy Quran and the holy Imams (peace by the spiritual resurrection and the end of this world not the emergence of new prophet. As concerning the Day of Judgment and the physical resurrection, the holy Quran states:


“وَأَنَّ السَّاعَةَ آتِيَةٌ لَا رَيْبَ فِيهَا وَأَنَّ اللَّهَ يَبْعَثُ مَنْ فِي الْقُبُورِ[حج/ ۷]”

“And because the Hour will come, there is no doubt thereof; and because Allah will raise those who are in the graves.” [Al-Hajj/ 7]


“يَوْمَ يَكُونُ النَّاسُ كَالْفَرَاشِ الْمَبْثُوثِ؛ وَ تَكُونُ الْجِبالُ كَالْعِهْنِ الْمَنْفُوشِ [قارعه/۵-۴]”

“A day wherein mankind will be as thickly scattered moths. And the mountains will become as carded wool. [Al-Qariah/ 4 & 5]


“أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ [عادیات/۹]”

“Knoweh he not that, when the contents of the graves are poured forth.” [Al-Adiyat/ 9]


“وَيَوْمَ يُحْشَرُ أَعْدَاءُ اللَّهِ إِلَى النَّارِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ [فصلت/۱۹]”

“And (make mention of) the day when the enemies of Allah are gathered unto the Fire, they are driven on.” [Fussilat/19]


Consequently, no wise man is able to ignore nearly 1200 verses of the holy Quran concerning the Day of Judgment and to violate them just by a weak document narration and to introduce the Day of Judgment and the rising of Imam of the Time (P.H.) as the same?!!! While according to various narrations the emergence of the promised Mahdi (P.H.) has been appointed before the Day of Judgment!!!

As the holy prophet (P.H.) states:

“If it remains just one day from the world’s lifetime, God will extent that one day for a man from my household to be appointed whose name is the same as mine to fill the earth with justice as filled by tyrannies.[3]


Additionally, Imam Sadeq (P.H.) states:


“لَو لَمْ یبْقَ منَ الدُّنیا اِلاَّ یومٌ واحِدٌ لَطَوّلَ اللهُ ذلِكَ الیومَ حَتّی یخرُجَ قائمُنا أَهْلَ البَیت”

“If it remains just one day form the world’s lifetime, God will extend that day so much that our Imam of the Time of us the Household (P.H.) emerges.[4]


Thus, the promised Day of Judgment can’t be considered as the very emergence of promised Mahdi (P.H.), but surely the emergence of Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) is before the Day of Judgment and according to the Quranic verses, the Day of Judgment is the end of the world.



[۱] The great scholar Majlesi, Beharul Anwar, Vol. 24, p. 398.

[۲] Narrated by the proselytizing network of the Baha’ism organization.

[۳] Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Fatah Neyshabouri, Rowzatul Waezin wa Basiratul Motazin, Qom, Razi, 1st edition, 1375 S.H., Vol. 2, p. 261.

[۴] Lutfullah Safi Golpaygani, Montakhabul Athar Fi Al-Imam Al-thani Ashar (P.H.), Qom: Al-Seyyatul Ma’soumeh (peace be upon her), 1419 A.H., Vol. 2, p. 243.

Bahaism in Iran
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