کد خبر:4613

An incorrect comparison to prove a false claim

Before citing a weak tradition by Omm Hani Thaqifeh to prove Ali Muhammad Shirazi to be Imam of the Time, the Baha’i proselytizers claimed: “First of all, it is stating that Omm Hani has been a sage and learned woman who has been Imam Baqer’s (P.H.) devoted friend and has asked him her questions.[1]” The […]

Before citing a weak tradition by Omm Hani Thaqifeh to prove Ali Muhammad Shirazi to be Imam of the Time, the Baha’i proselytizers claimed: “First of all, it is stating that Omm Hani has been a sage and learned woman who has been Imam Baqer’s (P.H.) devoted friend and has asked him her questions.[1]

The Baha’is proselytizers are going to orientate the tradition to their leader Ali Muhammad Shirazi while:

  1. Omm Hani has been unknown in the resources[2].

No tradition has been narrated by her and her name is absent in Rejali books[3]. Anyway, how has the Baha’i proselytizers been able to figure out Omm Hani’s grace and science?!

۲) The Baha’i proselytizers have cherished Omm Hani Thaqifeh while in another place, they reject Hakimeh Khatoun (peace be upon her): “Pay attention to the story of the birthday of the absent Imam that is too surprising[4].” In another place, they accept the existence of the Excellency Hakimeh Khatoun and insult her. As Ishraq Khawari, one of the famous Baha’i proselytizers says: “The self-interested people boycotted him (Ja’far) and called him the liar and they accepted and announced that liar woman’s narration because it was according to ignorant carnal desires (Shia’s).[5]

While Hakimeh Khatoun is related to the Holy Imams (Imam Jawad’s (P.H)daughter, Imam Hadi’s (P.H.) sister, and Imam Hassan Askari’s (P.H.) paternal aunt. The scholars have called her generous, noble, learned, surplus, satisfied, sage woman.[6]

۳) According to Baha’ism logic, the criterion for people’s speech acceptance is merely Baha’ism confirmation. According to this logic, an unknown person like Omm Hani is being cherished and a learned woman like the Excellency Hakimeh Khatoun is being insulted. This is a logic of a cult which boasts the independent investigation of truth!!!



[۱] Narrated by the proselytizing networks of the Baha’ism organziaiton

[۲] For more studies refer to the articles: The document criticism of the Baha’is concerning Omm Hanni’ tradition about the time of Imam of the Time’s (P.H.) birthday.

[۳] Abul Qasem Khouee, Mo’ajam Rejal Al-Hadith and Tafsil Tabaqat Al-Rowah, Beirut: Madinatul Elm, 2nd edition, 1403 A.H., Vol. 23, p. 181.

[۴] Ishraq Khawari, Aqdahul Falah, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 130 Badi’a, Vol. a, p. 189.

[۵] Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, BIja: the national institute of the faith press, 128 Badi’a, Vol. 1, p.7.

[۶] Refer to Muhammad Baqer Majlesi, Beharul Anwar, Beirut: Dar Al-Ehya Al-Torath Al-Arabi, 2nd edition, 1403, Vol. 99, p. 79.

Bahaism in Iran
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