کد خبر:5306

Are the Baha’is atheists?

Divinity and believing in God in Baha’ism: Every human being knows based on his her pure temperament and conscience that he/she himself/herself is a creature and his her lord doesn’t resemble to him/her. In order to complete human being’s divine recognition, the divine prophets have invited people based on monotheism and worshiping the Almighty God. […]

Divinity and believing in God in Baha’ism:

Every human being knows based on his her pure temperament and conscience that he/she himself/herself is a creature and his her lord doesn’t resemble to him/her. In order to complete human being’s divine recognition, the divine prophets have invited people based on monotheism and worshiping the Almighty God. On the other hand, the fundamental principle of “There is no god but Allah” is the basis of all divine religions. Combating against polytheism and idolatry and inviting to devotion and worshipping the creator of the world are the aims of all divine prophets. The first speech made by the holy prophet to invite people was:


“قُولُوا لا اِلهَ اِلّا اللهَ تُفْلِحُوا”

“Say, there is no god but Allah to be delivered.”


In the religion of Islam, all commandments and actions such as prayer, fasting, Hajj, holy war, title and etc. must be based on monotheism and approximation to God. In the chapter Hood, verses 25, 50, 61, and 84, the Almighty God reminds that the divine prophets such as Noah, Hood, Saleh and Jetro called people to monotheism and God’s slavery. The Almighty God states in the chapter the prophets, verse 25:


وَ ما اَرْسَلْنا مِنْ قَبْلِکَ مِنْ رَسُولٍ اِلّا نُوحِی اِلَیْهِ اَنَّهُ لا اِلهَ اِلّا اَنَا فَاعْبُدُونِ

“And We did not send before you any apostle but We revealed to him that there is no god but Me, therefore serve me.”


In the holy Quran, chapter the prophet verse 29, the Almighty God says:


وَ مَنْ یَقُلْ مِنْهُمْ إِنِّی اِلهٌ مِنْ دُونِهِ فَذلِکَ نَجْزیهِ جَهَنَّمَ کَذلِکَ نَجْزِی الظَّالِمین

“And one of them who should say: Lo, I am a God besides Him. That one We should repay with hell. Thus, We repay wrong doers.”


Monotheism and Divinity in Baha’ism:

In the first stage of proselytizing for Baha’ism, the Baha’is say they believe in unique God and worship Him. However, the reality of a creed must be found in its leaders and founders’ speech and writings.


Claiming for being God by the Baha’i leaders:

Contrary to human being’s pious temperament and also the monotheistic teachings of all heavenly books especially the holy Quran and also contrary to the superficial advertisements of the cult, the Baha’i leaders have been claimed for divinity among their various claims that are as follows:


The divinity claim by Ali Muhammad Shirazi:

On page 5 of Heykaluddin tablet –the appendix of the Arabic Bayan- Bab says:


“اِنَّ علی قبل نبیل ذاتُ اللهِ و کَینو نیَّتِهِ”

“Surely, before Nabil, Ali (Ali Muhammad Bab) is God and the essence of universe.” (This matter has been narrated in the book Rahil Makhtoum, p. 391, too).


۲) To answer his opponents of divinity position, Hussein Ali Nouri says: All creatures in the heavens and earth must know that we are shouting at the bottom of our hearts that Bab is the very “The highest Lord” and the lord of nations”. (The book Badi’a written by Hussein Ali Nouri, pages 43 & 44).


The divinity claims by Mirza Hussein Ali Baha:

He believes that God has been born since the beginning of birth! Of course, the one who begetteth not nor was begotten!! Additionally; of course, the followers of him must cherish his birth! In a special tablet issued on the occasion of his birth, he say:


فًیا حًبًّذا مِن هذا الفجر الًّذی …. فیه وُلِدَ مًن لَم یًلِد و لم یولًد

How good is the morning… when a person has been born who begetteth not nor was begotten!!! (The book The seven days compiled by Ishraq Khawari, p. 50).


The creator of the world is being imprisoned:

Following the difference between Hussein Ali Nouri and his brother Sobhi Azal on Bab’s succession, the followers of them created some riots in Baqdad city. Consequently, Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri was exiled to Istanbul and then to Adreneh and Acre, at last by the Ottoman government. In prison, the Excellency Baha issued a message of importance addressing the world people:


اِنَّ الَّذی خَلَقَ العالَمَ لِنَفسِهِ قَد حُبِسَ فی اَخرَبِ الدِّیارِ بِمَا اکتَسَبَت اَیدِی الغافِلین

(The book “the tablet of Ibn-Al-Za’b, p. 42, the sent tablets addressing the kings and heads of the earth, p. 115).


Another message from the imprisoned god!

In order for somebody not to doubt, the Excellency Baha issued a message for attracting people of the world’s attention to this issue that god is oppressed:

اَنِ استَمِع ما یُوحی مِن شَطرِ البَلاءِ …..اَنَّهُ لا اِلهَ الّا اَنَا المَسجُونُ الفَرید

(The book “Mobin” or the first volume of the highest pen’s works, No. 39, p. 229)

Hussein Ali Nouri says:


قُل لا یُرى فى هَیکلی اِلّا هَیکلُ اللّهِ وَ لا فى جَمالی اِلّا جَمالُه وَ لا فى کَینُونَتى اِلّا کَینُونَته وَ لا فى ذاتى اِلّا ذاته و لا فى حَرَکتى اِلّا حَرَکَتُه وَ لا فى سُکُونى اِلّا سُکُونُه و لا فى قَلَمى اِلّا قَلَمُه …. قُل لَم یَکُن فى نَفسى اِلّا الحَقُّ وَ لا یُرى فى ذاتى اِلّا اللّهُ….

(The book “Mobin” or the works of the highest pen, Vol. 1, pp. 13 & 14 and also the works of the highest pen, Vol. 2, p. 589).


The Excellency Ahmad Yazdani (the famous proselytizer of Baha’ism) states Hussein Ali Nouri’s titles:


مظهر نفس الله، اسم اعظم، قیوم الارض و السماء، مالک الوجود، مبعث الرسل، مکلم الطور …و مالک یوم الدین

(A glance at Baha’ism religion, 2nd edition, p. 74)


The mentioned above documents are of the atheistic and polytheistic thoughts of Babism and Baha’ism leaders.



Bahaism in Iran
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