کد خبر:6835

The prophethood of women in Islam, Judaism and the Baha’ism cult

Baha’ism which introduces the divine religions as discriminative and itself as the herald of equality of men and women has rejected prophethood in women and also the leadership incumbency; while in Islam and Judaism, this position isn’t just assigned to men. Baha’ism is shouting the slogan of the equality between men and women while it […]

Baha’ism which introduces the divine religions as discriminative and itself as the herald of equality of men and women has rejected prophethood in women and also the leadership incumbency; while in Islam and Judaism, this position isn’t just assigned to men.

Baha’ism is shouting the slogan of the equality between men and women while it has deprived women of prophethood position and the leadership position in Baha’ism due to inferiority of women’s position.

In their advertisements, the Baha’i cult leaders are shouting the slogan of the equality between men and women for the prosperity of human beings: “the tenth teaching of the Excellency Bahaullah is the oneness of men and women… It is impossible for humane world prosperity to be completed without the perfect equality of men and women.[1]” so, it considers itself as the herald of equality between men and women and accuses the divine religions to sexual discrimination.

The Baha’i leaders have also advised the cult proselytizers that the issue of the equality between men and women is the best opportunity for proselytizing for the cult; as the guardian of Baha’ism faith has said: “The Baha’is of the world over have the opportunity to show their nearby world to achieve a new method in the relationships of the two genders… If the circumstance of women in the Baha’i teachings is being shown right it will surely attract more attentions.[2]



Of course, although Baha’ism has deprived women of the management of to pillars of its leadership; that is, the position of the guardian of the faith and the universal house of justice foundation[3] contrary to its vain slogan of the equality between men and women, but basically the female gender has been considered as inferior according to the Baha’i leaders’ thought and belief.

As Abdul Baha has answered a question asked by a woman: “A question was asked by a woman who had asked: Has a woman ever sent on a prophetic mission by God? He answered: Although men and women share talent and power, but undoubtedly men are more preferred and stronger also the privilege is obvious in animals such as pigeons, sparrows and peacocks and the like.[4]

In the holy texts of Judaism, prophethood hasn’t just assigned to men. Women’s prophethood has been also accepted. It has introduced the female prophet as “she-prophet” (or: “نبیّه”[۵])

In holy Islam, women can have relationships with the inspiration angel and receive the inspiration[6], but bringing a special religious law has been assigned to men.[7]


[۱] Refer to Abbas Effendi, the Sermons, Germany: national Assembly of publishing the faith works, 127 Badi’a, Vol. 2, p. 150.

[۲] Adapted by the guardian of the faith writing, June, 7, 1931 A.D., addressing one of the national spiritual assemblies.

[۳] Abbas Effendi, Excellency Abdul Baha’s writings, the electronic copy, Vol. 1, No. 38, p. 77.

[۴] Ahmad Zarqani, Badayeul Athar, the electronic copy, Vol. 1, p. 153.

[۵] Refer to Old Testament, Isia, 3:8, James Hax.

[۶] Jawadi, Amoli, Abdullah, woman in glory and beauty mirror, 19th edition, Qom: Asral’a, 1388 S.H. pp. 167-168.

[۷] Refer to Jawadi Amoli, Ibid.

“وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ قَبْلِكَ إِلَّا رِجَالًا نُوحِي إِلَيْهِمْ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْقُرَىٰ… [یوسف/۱۰۹]”

“We sent not before thee (any messengers) save men whom they not travelled in the land…” [Al-Yusuf/109]

Bahaism in Iran
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