کد خبر:7144

If you want a thing done well, do it yourself

According to what has been written in the history of the Baha’i cult and said by the Baha’i proselytizers like Hassan Moqer Baluzi in the book Bahaullah, the truth sun, p. 20, Mirza Abbas Nouri known as Mirza Bozorg Nouri, the father of the founder and the prophet of the Baha’i cult had seven wives. […]

According to what has been written in the history of the Baha’i cult and said by the Baha’i proselytizers like Hassan Moqer Baluzi in the book Bahaullah, the truth sun, p. 20, Mirza Abbas Nouri known as Mirza Bozorg Nouri, the father of the founder and the prophet of the Baha’i cult had seven wives. The Excellency Hussein Ali was from his second wife called Khadijeh Khanom.

Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri Mazandarani himself had possessed various wives like his father. He possessed four permanent wives during his lifetime. Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri had four offspring. However; according to the forged prophet of Baha’ism in the book “Aqdas”, getting married with more than two wives isn’t allowable for each Baha’i although he didn’t act his commandment.

Asadullah Fadhel Mazandarani one of the old proselytizers of the deviant cult of Baha’ism writes about Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri’s wives and offspring in the book the leaders and the followers, Vol. 2, p. 533 and also about the Excellency Abdul Baha on pages 19 and 20: “The first wife was called Asiyeh Khanom, Mirza Ismaeel Vazir Nouri Palroudi with whom Hussein Nouri got married on Mehr, 1214 when he was 18. He entitled her as Novab Khanom, Boyouk Khanom, Varaqeh Oliya and Omoul Kaeenat. This marriage ended in 7 offspring: 5 sons and 2 daughters out of whom three offspring survived who were called Abbas who was called the greatest branch by his father. He was later on called Abdul Baha, Mahdi who was called the cleanest branch by his father and Fatimeh Soltan who was entitled as Bahaiyeh Khanom and Varaqeh Oliya.


The book “leaders and followers”, p. 533

The book “the Excellency Bahaullah“, p. 19

The book “the Excellency Bahaullah“, p.20

Fatimeh was Hussein Ali’s second wife who was known as Mahd-e-Oliya from Nour city, Mazandaran who got married with Hussein Ali, 32, in 1228 S.H. in Tehran city. They had six children: 4 sons and 2 daughters: Mirza Muhammad Ali, the greatest branch, Mirza badiullah, Mirza Ali Muhammad, Mirza Ziyaullah, Sajiyeh Khanom and Samadieyeh khanom.

Gohar Khanom was Hussein Ali’s third wife from Kashan. Mirza got married with her when he was 45 in Baghdad city and had a daughter called Foroqieh. Hussein Ali’s forth wife was called Jamalieh Khanom who was the daughter of a servant in an inn, Acre. She was serving in Hussein Ali’s house when she was 13. When she got 16, Hussein Ali who was 70 got married with her although he had 3 wives. Surprisingly, he emphasized his followers in the book Aqdas to have a wife and said getting married with more than two wives isn’t allowable for a Baha’i man.

Gohar Khanom, Hussein Ali’s third wife

Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri writes in the book Aqdas, p. 57:

“کتب علیکم النکاح ایاکم ان تجاوزوا عن الاثنتین و الذی اقتنع بواحده من الاماء استراحت نفسه و نفسها”

“God has ordered you not to have more than wives and if a person contents himself with a wife, he has provided facilities for himself and his wife.

The question here is that why has Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri made an error while according to his commandment in the Aqdas book having some wives isn’t good and is forbidden in Baha’ism? What a prophet that has been ignorant. According to a famous proverb if you want a thing done well, do it yourself. A person who has gotten married for four times mustn’t forbid it for others; particularly when the one who considers himself as prophet!

کلیدواژه : donethingwantwellyourself
Bahaism in Iran
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