کد خبر:7256

Inviting to violent oppositions is the mission of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in Iran

Morteza Ismaeel pour asked for violent oppositions of the change for the method of subsidization in Iran while we figure out that this request is that of the Baha’ism leadership foundation due to the following reasons: confirmation like silence, Baha’ism antecedent for creating sedition and violence in Iran, wasting Baha’ism wish for dominating on Iran […]

Morteza Ismaeel pour asked for violent oppositions of the change for the method of subsidization in Iran while we figure out that this request is that of the Baha’ism leadership foundation due to the following reasons: confirmation like silence, Baha’ism antecedent for creating sedition and violence in Iran, wasting Baha’ism wish for dominating on Iran by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the thought for harshness by the Baha’i leaders.

The media hired worker of Baha’ism asked for violent oppositions after changing the method of subsidization in Iran.

During the current days and after prices being free and when the method of subsidization changed, the Baha’ism hired workers called people to violent oppositions and using violence. As Morteza Ismaeel pour considered using violence against security forces of the country as the right for the protesters and said: “The legitimate defense is people’s right, but by expanding oppositions, the regime can be afflicted. If it is necessary, people can answer violently. When we gain the majority, we will be powerful.[1]

By being silent for its hired workers’ positions, the Baha’ism organization confirms their viewpoints due to the following evidence:

  1. In cases where attributed people and media don’t proceed based on its policies or speak at a loss of Baha’ism, the Baha’ism will encounter seriously and will even reject their attribution to Baha’ism.[2]
  2. During 1388 sedition in Iran, Baha’ism indicated that it desired to create riot in Iran and to overthrow the system of the Iranian government. As the leadership foundation of the cult supported the rioters in its message and intrigued them to continue riots: “observe that everything has been disclosed rapidly! The oppressions exerted on Baha’i citizens during long years through hidden and organized ways have been displayed during the recent weeks in the streets of Iran while all the world people observe… Of course, you can’t be apathetic to the problems that your dear compatriots are facing.[3]
  3. Inviting to violent oppositions by the Baha’ism hired workers discovers the inner obsessions of the organization and the loss of Baha’ism dominance on the country. When the Islamic Republic of Iran gained power, Baha’ism lost all his wishes; as the formal organ of Baha’ism posed the wish for establishing the Baha’i kingdom in Iran explicitly: “The Baha’i religion will be recognized by the officials as the formal religion of the country… This job will be ended in the establishment of the Baha’i kingdom under its shadow the holy commandments of the Baha’i religious law will be completely fulfilled on time and this stage will end in the establishment of the universal kingdom of Baha’ism[4]


  1. Contrary to Baha’ism profession, violence is a principle in this cult; the principle which is originated from the history and thought of Baha’ism as history proves that seeking for violence by the Baha’i ancestors has created three civil wars, terror and even inner conflicts.[5] The self-proclaimed prophet of this cult has preached violence against his opponents.[6]

[۱] Narrated by the media hired men related to the Baha’ism organization.

[۲] Darul Ensha’ of the universal house of justice, the copy for the national spiritual assembly of the United States of America, dated Dec. 10, 2017 A.D.; Darul Ensha’ of the universal house of justice, the message dated Oct. 12, 2017 A.D., addressing one of the disciples concerning the newly established network called the birthday of the Excellency Bahaullah.

[۳] The message of the leadership foundation of the universal house of justice to the Iranian disciples, dated: Tir, 2, 1388 S.H. (June, 23, 2009 A.D.)

[۴] The faith news magazine, the official organ of the Baha’is of Iran, No. 3, 1332 S.H., p. 14.

[۵] For more studies refer to the article: Did Amir the great behave strictly with the Babis?! The criticism of Ziba Kalam’s words.

[۶] Hussein Ali Nouri, the prayers of the Excellency the Beloved, Egypt: Bina, 1339 A.H., p. 196; Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Tablets, printed in Egypt, Saadat publishing house, 1920 A.D. p. 216.

Bahaism in Iran
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