کد خبر:7518

Educating and consulting, the excuses of proselytizing Baha’ism in Malaysia

 In its report about its proselytizing in Malaysia with the excuse of the flood event, the Baha’ism organization pointed out using education and consulting means. Baha’ism has shown that Baha’ism has turned to proselytizing and misusing people’s areas of weakness than reasoning. It has exploited its confrontation or aggressive proselytizing as opportunities in the international […]

 In its report about its proselytizing in Malaysia with the excuse of the flood event, the Baha’ism organization pointed out using education and consulting means. Baha’ism has shown that Baha’ism has turned to proselytizing and misusing people’s areas of weakness than reasoning. It has exploited its confrontation or aggressive proselytizing as opportunities in the international domains regardless of prohibition of its advertisements by the governments!

The Baha’ism organization has recently presented its proselyting report in Malaysia with the excuse of flood. Education and consulting is the secret name of Baha’ism proselytizing in most countries.

Using popular title like education and consulting, the Baha’ism organization is trying to attract and recruit vulnerable people of all walks of life. On the other side, the Baha’i proselytizers who are at first entering using education and consulting covering and introducing its aim as serving society is indicating that it has no aim but proselyting for this cult.

In this trick, the Baha’ism organization is misusing people’s sufferings and aiming their areas of weakness and trying to change people’s beliefs and making them Baha’i[1].

For instance, Baha’ism organization presented a report about his successful proselytizing in the Islamic country of Malaysia and misusing flood event in some areas of this country concerning this issue that the Baha’i proselytizers have dispatched to vulnerable areas to serve: “Yamla Sathiyaseelan, the coordinator of educational programs in Shah Alam city, Malaysia (one of the great experiences of group of Baha’i youth: …several groups of the youth went to Seri Muda locality after consulting with the Baha’i institutions to help the families. The spiritual principle of consulting played a key role in aiding measures in the Baha’i communities across Malaysia. What helped us in planning and quick measures to cooperate with civil community institutions was consulting culture due to the process of society making[2].”

However; in spite of disagreement by the Malaysia government against Baha’ism proselytizing and using this proselytizing means by the Baha’i organization, the following notes are worthy to be investigated:

  1. Baha’ism is introducing its first teaching as the independent investigation of truth[3] but it is going to recruit people through their areas to weakness. Field Marshal Hussein Fardous says in his diary: “During Pahlavi periods of time, Baha’ism expanded in Iran wonderfully. They were recruiting people based on their motivations and areas of weakness. It was reported to me about some cases in which such and such was in dept. The Baha’ism organization paid his/her depts. To be Baha’i[4].”
  2. The aggressive proselytizing of Baha’ism using people’s problems is an immoral trick applied in most areas of the world (except Israel). Contrary to this issue prohibited by the Baha’i leaders[5], it continues its proselytizing! Because the Baha’ism organization is sure that the western countries support it by media, issuing statements and resolutions, putting pressures on statesmen and running campaigns.
  3. The Baha’ism organization is gathering information and spying for the western countries particularly for the Zionists using humanitarian titles such as the spying cases during Pahlavi periods of time[6], environment spying[7] and etc.


[۱] Muhammad Ali Feizi, the proselytizing guide epistle, Bija: Bina, 3rd edition, 128 Badi’a, p. 87.

[۲] The news service of the Baha’ism universal organization, dated Bahman, 1, 1400, Jan. 22, 2022.

[۳] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Egypt: 1st edition, 1921 A.D., Vol. 3, p. 332.

[۴] Hussein Fardoust, the rise and fall of the Pahlavi kingdom, Bija: Ettela’at publishing house, 4th, 1380 S.H., Vol. 1, p. 376.

[۵] Refer to Abbas Effendi, Makatib, Bija: the national institute of the faith press, 134 Badi’a, Vol. 8, pp. 246-247.

[۶] For more studies refer to article: Baha’is spying for London and Washington

[۷] Fars Correspondence, the article title: why is the Baha’ism organization interested in the environment? Dated: 1399/3/13.

Bahaism in Iran
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