کد خبر:7699

The commission of the assembly 1347: Baha’ism is hated and disrespectful for the Iranian

It is obvious that the Baha’ism cult is respectable for the countries which play a role in creating it. In the 1347 S.H. meeting of Baha’ism in Shiraz, the countries like France, England, America, the Soviet Union and Israel were introduced as the supporters of Baha’ism cult and this cult was introduced as fractional by […]

It is obvious that the Baha’ism cult is respectable for the countries which play a role in creating it. In the 1347 S.H. meeting of Baha’ism in Shiraz, the countries like France, England, America, the Soviet Union and Israel were introduced as the supporters of Baha’ism cult and this cult was introduced as fractional by the Iranians.

According to the report by the intelligent service, SAVAK, the meeting of commission of Nashr-e-Nafahatullah was held participated by the members of Baha’ism organization dated 1347/05/22. The most remarkable note were the supporters and opponents of Baha’ism cult. In this report, Baha’ism has been introduced as hated to Iranians and respectful to the enemy unions, Israel, France and etc.: “The commission of the assembly of Nashr-e-Nafahatullah was held in district 6 of the Baha’is, Nader street in Sa’di street in Hamid Fahandej’s house at 3 p.m. dated 1347/05/22. In this commission, Colonel Reza Qoli Aqdasi spoke as follows. The Iranians don’t respect the Baha’is, but I swear by the Blessed Beauty that the governments like England, the soviet union, Israel, France and etc. respect the Baha’is tremendously…[۱]


  • It is obvious that the Baha’ism organization is respectable by the countries which play a role in making it. The very czar Russia that the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism. Considered it as his savior:

“قَد نَصَرَنِی أحَد سُفَرائِکَ إذَا کُنتَ فِی السِّجن تَحتَ السّلاسِلَ و الأغلَال…”[۲]

“O’ Russian king, one of your ambassador helped me when I was imprisoned under the chains.”

The very France which used submission teachings of Baha’ism organization to repress the liberalists’ thoughts in its colonies and according to Abdul Baha’s confession[3], the very British imperialism which saved Abdul Baha[4]. Abdul Baha who directly played a role in occupying Palestine by providing provisions for the aggressive army of England.[5]

The very America which was called as peaceable and noble by the Baha’ism leaders[6]. The Baha’is owe the American supports to continue their courses[7].

The very Israel which was established directly supported by the Baha’ism organization.[8]

  • When the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism is the servant of Colonialism[9], its followers must pride on being respectful by Colonialism. The very Colonialists who supported the Baha’ism organization. France possessed a dark history in Africa as the number one enemy of Muslims and the Africans. The criminal England which did the great genocide in Iran. The Russians who were occupying Iran and making Iran into pieces, and Israel which is the mere apartheid regime in the world and is famous for killing kids.



[۱] SAVAK document from the commission of the assembly of Nashr-e-Nafahatullah, dated 1347/05/22.

[۲] Alauddin Qods Jourabchi, Bahaullah, the promised one of the heavenly books, p. 203.

[۳] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, the heavenly food, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 122 Badi’a, Vol. 9, p. 47-48.

[۴] Refer to Shoqi Effendi, Badi’a century, translated by Nasrullah Mawaddat, Bija: The national institute of the faith press, 122 Badi’a, pp. 296-297.

[۵] Lady Blomfield George Ronald pub, 2007, p. 201, the Chosen Highway.

[۶] Refer to J.E. Esslement, Bahaullah and the new era, translated by: Rahimi, Elahi and Soleimani, Brazil: Manshourat Dal-al-Nashr Al-Bahaiyah, 1988 A.D., p. 271.

[۷] For more studies refer to the article: The annual habit of America/ The resolution of congress in supporting the Baha’is of Iran!

[۸] For more studies refer to the article: The Baha’is dealing to buy land for the Jewish!

[۹] Refer to Hussein Ali Nouri, the collection of the Blessed Tablets, pp. 158-159.

Bahaism in Iran
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