کد خبر:7760

The delusion of Baha’ism universal government

On Tir, 1348 S.H., SAVAK narrated a report about the Baha’ism organization activity in which increasing knowledge and accumulating wealth by the Baha’ism organization have been appointed as pre-requisite for the establishment of the universal government of Baha’ism described by the universal house of justice: “In the afternoon, 16th of Tir, 1348 S.H., a person […]

On Tir, 1348 S.H., SAVAK narrated a report about the Baha’ism organization activity in which increasing knowledge and accumulating wealth by the Baha’ism organization have been appointed as pre-requisite for the establishment of the universal government of Baha’ism described by the universal house of justice: “In the afternoon, 16th of Tir, 1348 S.H., a person called Cyrus Rouhani who is resided in Tehran city and some other people were present. Cyrus Rouhani declared: It has been the universal house of justice since three years so far that the disciples must possess knowledge and wealth in order to govern the world. This is what asked all Baha’is by the universal house of justice[1].”

The members of the Baha’ism organization have presented evidence for this method to be applied by the Jewish and said: “During recent 20 years, the Israelis have done so. Today, the Jewish are governing all parts of the world. For instance, all good places belong to the Jewish in Shiraz city. The majority of tradesmen are working for the Jewish. Now, the universal house of justice is going to invite all students who are studying in various fields of study (Ph.D., engineering, electricity mine course) to come to Iran after graduation to work in hospitals and other places. Then, the proselytizing systems of the Baha’ism organization are going to say to Iranian people that the Baha’i people possess knowledge and wealth.[2]

However, the Baha’ism organization is introducing gaining knowledge and wealth as the condition for the establishment of the universal government while:

  • The Baha’ism organization is shouting the slogan of being indifferent with the government. The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has said:

“لَیسَ لأحَدٍ أن یَعتَرِضَ عَلی الَّذین یَحکُمُونَ عَلَی العِبادِ. دَعوا لَهُم ما عِندَهُم وَ تَوَجَّهُوا إلَی القلوب”[۳]

  • Providing facilities for the establishment of the universal government of Baha’ism hasn’t been restricted with gaining knowledge and accumulating wealth. Contrary to the slogan of not meddling with policy and being away from the governmental affairs, the Baha’ism organization has drawn the stages for establishing its universal government in several stages.[4]

Consequently, the Baha’ism organization that considers overthrowing the systems of government as its final goal for the establishment of its government uses each kinds of means to achieve the universal government.

This SAVAK document was one of the straggles of Baha’ism cult to establish the universal government using gaining knowledge and accumulating wealth.



[۱] SAVAK report about the Baha’is activities, in the afternoon, 16th of Tir, 1348 S.H.

[۲] Ibid.

[۳] Hussein Ali Nouri, the Aqdasm the electronic copy, p. 93, paragraph 95.

[۴] Refer to Shoqi Effendi the eastern disciples: The National assembly of preaching faith works, 1992 A.D., p. 502.

Bahaism in Iran
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