کد خبر:7838
false claimants

The introduction of the Excellency Mahdi’s (P.H.) measures by the holy prophet (P.H.) in Ghadir Sermon

The holy prophet (P.H.) has pointed out a series of characteristics and measures which would be fulfilled by Mahdi such as dominating on religions, revenging the tyrants and avenging God’s guardians and etc. By investigating Baha’ism’s false Mahdi, we will figure out that none of these revenges has been fulfilled by him. In Ghadir Sermon, […]

The holy prophet (P.H.) has pointed out a series of characteristics and measures which would be fulfilled by Mahdi such as dominating on religions, revenging the tyrants and avenging God’s guardians and etc. By investigating Baha’ism’s false Mahdi, we will figure out that none of these revenges has been fulfilled by him.

In Ghadir Sermon, the holy prophet (P.H.) has introduced the features and measures of the last proof of God, Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance):


Be aware, surely, Imam Mahdi (P.H.) is the last Imam from us. Be aware. He will dominate on all religions. Be aware, He will revenge all tyrants. Be aware, he will conquare and destroyer of them. Be aware, he will dominate on all polytheist tribes and their guides. Be aware, He aids Gods religion. Be aware!… He is God’s guardian on earth… .”

A glance at Ali Muhammad Bab’s life will reveal that he hasn’t possessed the features mentioned by the holy prophet in Ghadir Sermon.

  1. The holy prophet (P.H.) has promised in Ghadir Sermon that Imam Mahdi (P.H.) will dominate on all religions, while Bab’s claims didn’t advance beyond Iranian borders. They weren’t even expanded in Iran
  2. The holy prophet (P.H.) has promised that Imam Mahdi (P.H.) will revenge the tyrants, while the false Mahdi of Baha’ism couldn’t revenge the tyrant.
  3. The holy prophet (P.H.) has promised that the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) will conquer the tyrants’ castles and will destroy them, while the false Mahdi of Baha’ism didn’t conquer and destroy any castle of tyrants, but he was too weak to quit all of his claims and rejected himself and his followers orally and in written form after being slapped by the ruler of Fars and a few sticks of wood in Tabriz[2]! city.
  4. The holy prophet (P.H.) has promised that Imam Mahdi (P.H.) will dominate on polytheists’ tribes while the followers of the false Mahdi of Baha’ism were defeated in all wars launched by them[3]!
  5. The holy prophet has promised that the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) will aid God’s religion, while the claimant of Mahdi of Baha’ism didn’t help God’s religion; but vice verses, he order for all symbols of worshipping God in Earth to be destroyed![4]

Consequently; regarding all features mentioned by the holy prophet (P.H.) concerning the Excellency Mahdi (May God hasten his reappearance), Ali Muhammad Shirazi who was perished after posing false claims can’t be the promised savior at all.


[۱] Muhammad Baqer Ansari, Ghadir Sermon, Feqahat Electronic library, pp. 50-51.

[۲] Refer to Ishraq Khawari, Mataleul Anwar (the summary of Nabil Zarandi’s history), the national institute of the faith press, Bita, p. 132; Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, Kashful Qita, printed in Turkistan: Bina, Bita, pp. 204-205.

[۳] In three civil wars, Bab’s followers were defeated: Tabarsi Fort war (1265 A.H>), Neiriz war (1266 A.H.) and Zanjan war (1266 & 1267 A.H.): Ishraq Khawari, Mataleul Anwar (the summary of Nabil Zarandi’s history). Refer to the chapters about Mazandaran, Neiriz and Zanjan events.

[۴] Abbas Effendi, Exerpts from Makatib, Germany: The national assembly of publishing the faith works, 2000 A.D., Vol. 4, p. 221.

Bahaism in Iran
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